WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (7/1/19)

Backstage, Drake Maverick trick his wife into thinking they were on their honeymoon. Maverick’s wife gets upset and tells him that it’s either the 24/7 title or her. Maverick picks his wife. R-Truth walks in and tells Maverick that he is a sucker for love. Truth walks away, singing.

Backstage, AJ Styles tells Gallows and Anderson that they looked good last week but they still lost. Anderson tells Styles that he didn’t look that great last week. Styles says it was his first match back. Gallows tells Styles to stop making excuses. Gallows wants to make a bet that Styles can’t beat Ricochet. Anderson says he is going to put his hot Asian wife on the line. Styles laughs and walks away.

Cesaro vs. No Way Jose

Drake Maverick is in the crowd with his wife. R-Truth is part of Jose’s conga line. Truth dances with Maverick wife and taunts Maverick. The locker room empties and everyone chases Truth. Cesaro tosses Jose out of the ring. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer out on the floor on Jose. Cesaro walks away.

Backstage, Charly introduces the NXT Tag Team Champions The Street Profits. Ford tells Charly they are on Monday night Raw they want the smoke.

Backstage, the Miz says Shane’s oversized ego is Miz’s fault. Miz is going to take care of Elias tonight and as far as Shane goes? Well, Miz heard the Undertaker is going to be here tonight.

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