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ROH Best in the World Results (6/28/19)

ROH Best in the World Results
June 28, 2019
Report by Colin Tessier for

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Flip Gordon vs. Rush

Rush kicks away Gordon’s handshake and pushes him around. Gordon slaps him and Rush takes him to the mat. A stiff forearm knocks Gordon off the apron and Rush throws him into the barricade and into the crowd. A hard drop kick knocks Gordon down and Rush does some pushups. Gordon takes Rush down with a springboard dropkick. Rush slams Gordon down and poses after delivering a stiff kick to the face. The two men strike blows and Gordon hits a few kicks. Gordon shows some aggression with more strikes.

A springboard spear takes Rush down and both men trade more stiff blows. A nasty knee rocks Gordon but he nails a superkick. Rush catches him after a dive to the outside and slams him into the barricade. He throws a trash can at Gordon and rolls him back into the ring. Rush nails the Bull’s Horns for the win.

Winner: Rush

In a post-match interview, Rush says he didn’t come to Ring of Honor to play, he came to destroy.

Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman and Colt Cabana hype up tonight’s card.

NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis comes to the ring. Riccaboni reminds viewers that Aldis and Cabana were supposed to team up and face the Briscoes but Cabana is unable to compete. Aldis calls Cabana a warrior and wishes him a speedy recovery. The NWA World’s Champion calls Baltimore NWA country and reveals his replacement partner. James Storm comes to ringside and tells Aldis they both know Aldis didn’t choose him. After getting into the ring, Storm asks Aldis who his partner is. Eli Drake comes to ringside to answer Storm’s question. Drake calls himself wrestling’s hottest free agent and the best in the world. He says he and the NWA are the past, the present and the future. Drake says he’s unstoppable and he’ll turn NWA upside down.

Riccaboni previews tonight’s card again. The three commentators discuss the matches and offer some analysis. The show shifts to video packages for Dalton Castle’s match with Dragon Lee and the show itself.

Riccaboni, Cabana and Coleman welcome viewers to the show and preview the lineup.

Dalton Castle vs. Dragon Lee

Lee immediately drops Castle with a dropkick and hits Castle with two Bull’s Horns for a near fall. Castle dodges a dive to the outside and drives his opponent into the ring post. Castle catches Lee and plants him with a powerbomb on the apron. before driving Lee into the barricade. He tosses Lee onto the floor and throws him into the crowd. Lee sends Castle into the barricade for some revenge. A DDT gets Castle a near fall and he grounds Lee with some holds. Lee perseveres and gets to his feet but Castle suplexes him for a near fall.

Castle continually pulls at Lee’s mask and rips it. A hurricanrana takes Castle to the outside and Lee dives onto him. Lee sends Castle into the barricade again and gets a near fall after a stiff knee to the head. Castle suplexes Lee but he gets blasted with a kick to the face. Castle suplexes Lee again but winds up getting suplexed in return. Lee gets caught but spins out of it. Castle flips him with a clothesline but Lee drops him with two brutal knees to the head. Lee argues with the referee and Castle hits the Bangarang. He doesn’t go for the cover; he hits the Bull’s Horns for the win.

Winner: Dalton Castle

The Allure (with Velvet Skye) vs. Jenny Rose and Women of Honor World Champion Kelly Klein

The two teams immediately start brawling. Klein and Rose stomp away at Angelina Love and Mandy Leon. Rose splashes both her opponents in opposite corners but Love takes her down with a boot. Love taunts Klein after they stare each other down. The champion gets into the ring and the stare down continues. Love and Klein exchange technical holds. Klein drops Love with a shoulder block but winds up getting planted with a neckbreaker. Klein gets a near fall after a sidewalk slam.

Klein and Rose team up to suplex Love. Sky clotheslines Rose while the referee is distracted. Leon and Love gang up on Rose and Leon blindsides a distracted Klein. Love takes down both her opponents with a dive to the outside. Rose drops Leon with a spear. Klein tags in and clotheslines Love before suplexing Leon. The champion slams both her opponents and Rose spears Leon before tossing her onto the floor. Klein throws Love off the top rope with a fallaway slam for a near fall. Leon hits Klein with a shoe while the referee is distracted. Love pins Klein after a Botox Injection.

Winners: The Allure

After the match, the lights go out and a creepy video with dolls plays on the screen. The text reads “maneater” and Maria Manik is in the ring behind the Allure. The Allure flees but Manik manhandles security guards. She locks one of them in a torture rack and throws one out of the ring. Manik rips off her shirt and “maneater” is written on her stomach.

ROH Best in the World results will continue on the next page!