Impact Wrestling Results

Impact Wrestling Results (6/21/19)

Ace Austin vs. TJP

TJP start off hot before being sent to the outside by Austin. Austin lands the handstand knee off the apron. Austin tries a springboard ranna but TJP turns it into a powerbomb. TJP hits a Samoan cutter for the win.

Winner- TJP

Konnan interrupts the Rascalz and tells them to take their match against LAX serious.

Backstage, Edwards and Kross fight. Alisha steps in and stops Edwards. Kross tells Edwards to give him more. Edwards unloads on Kross.

Backstage, Callahan challenges Blanchard to a match.

Johnny Impact vs. Michael Elgin vs. Rich Swann

Swann takes out Impact and Elgin with a crossbody. Swann and Impact keep knocking Elgin out of the ring. Elgin German suplexes Impact and Swann at the same time. Swann rannas Impact off the top into Elgin. Elgin kicks out. Impact lands a standing moonsault on Elgin. Elgin kicks out again. Swann hits a double cutter on Elgin and Impact. Impact misses starship pain. Impact hits a second rope Spanish fly. Swann dives off the other turnbuckle and hits a 450 splash on Impact for the win.

Winner- Rich Swann

After the match, the heels beat down Swann. Brian Cage’s music hits. Cage power walks to the ring and takes out Impact. Cage and Elgin go face-to-face. Cage hits the discus clothesline followed by a nasty powerbomb.



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