WWE Money In The Bank Results

WWE Money In The Bank Results (5/19/19)

As Lynch is walking up the ramp, Charlotte Flair power walks down to the ring. Flair tells Lynch to get in the ring. The Smackdown Women’s Championship match is right now.

Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair 

Lynch is limping as the bell rings. Flair spears Lynch into the corner. Flair stomps Lynch in the corner. Lynch and Flair trade strikes. Flair goes up top. Lynch launches Flair off. Lynch rolls up Flair but Flair kicks out. Flair lands a few nasty chops. Enziguri by Lynch. Lynch tries a dropkick but Flair reverses it into a Boston Crab. Lynch gets to the ropes. Lynch and Flair trade punches. Flair kicks Lynch in the knee. Flair misses the big boot. Lynch elbows Flair in the face. Lynch tries to lock in the DisArmHer but Flair avoids it. Flair pops Lynch in the face with an elbow. Flair chokes Lynch in the ropes. Flair tries Natural Selection on the apron but Lynch hooks the ropes. Flair hits the floor hard. While the referee has his back turned Evans runs down to the ring and hits the Women’s Right on Lynch. Flair hits a big boot for the win!

Winner and NEW Smackdown Women’s Champion, Charlotte Flair!

After the match, Lynch attacks Evans. Flair attacks Lynch from behind. Evans and Flair drag Lynch into the ring. Evans and Flair beat down Lynch. Bayley hits the ring and makes the save. Flair attacks Bayley as her back is turned. Flair goes back to stomping Lynch in the corner. Flair tries to spear Bayley but Bayley moves. Flair goes headfirst into the turnbuckle. Bayley cashes in her MITB contract.

Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Bayley

Bayley drags Flair over to the corner and hits the top rope elbow drop for the win!

Winner and NEW Smackdown Women’s Champion, Bayley!

WWE Money In The Bank Live Results Continue On The Next Page!