WWE Money In The Bank Results

WWE Money In The Bank Results (5/19/19)

Backstage, Zayn is found hanging upside down from a fence.

Cruiserweight Championship Match: Tony Nese (c) vs. Ariya Daivari 

Nese and Daivari trade strikes. Leg drop by Nese. Daivari kicks out. Nese misses his double jump moonsault. Daivari rubs Nese’s eyes on the ring rope. Daivari punches Nese in the head. Daivari whips Neese into the corner. Inverted crab by Daivari. Nese fires up and lands a spinning heel kick. Double jump moonsault by Neese. Daivari surprises Nese with his finish. Nese kicks out. Nese does his cartwheel off the apron into a palm strike. Nese goes up top. Daivari cuts Nese off and hits a flip driver off the top. Neese lands a 450. Daivari kicks out. Daivari surprises Nese with a superkick. Splash by Daivari. Daivari hits the cobra twist lariat. Nese kicks out. Nese hits the Running Nese for the win.

Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion, Tony Nese!

Backstage, Triple H tells Strowman that he isn’t going to give Strowman Zayn’s spot in MITB. Strowman tells Triple H that he didn’t do anything to Zayn. Triple H asks Strowman to leave.

Raw Women’s Championship Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Lacey Evans

Lynch drops Evans and hits a basement dropkick. Evans rolls to the outside. Baseball slide by Lynch. Lynch sends Evans into the barricade. Lynch sends Evans back into the ring. Evans drives Lynch into the corner. Evans arm wringers Lynch down to the mat. Evans works over Lynch’s left arm. Evans sweeps Lynch’s leg. Evans drops a slingshot elbow onto Lynch. Lynch kicks out. Lynch lands a diving elbow smash off the second rope. Multiple clotheslines by Lynch. Exploder suplex by Lynch. Missile dropkick by Lynch. Evans rolls out of the ring again. Lynch dives off the apron and elbows Evans in the face. Lynch gets another near fall. Evans hits an acid drop on Lynch. Big boot by Evans. Lynch kicks out. Evans tries to roll up Lynch. Lynch turns it into the DisArmHer. Evans taps out.

Winner and STILL Raw Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch!

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