WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/7/19)

Backstage, Daniel Bryan and Rowan run into Heavy Machinery. Otis stares at the tag team title. Bryan smirks and walks away.

Ember Moon and Carmella vs. Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose

Carmella puts Deville on the Mella-go-round. Deville floors Carmella with an elbow. Moon tags in and dropkicks Rose. Fallaway slam by Moon. Deville breaks up the pin. Moon sets up a dive. Deville pushes Rose out of the way and gets destroyed by Moon. Rose pushes Moon into the apron. Rose hits her finisher on Moon for the win.

Winners- Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose

After the match, Paige and the Sky Empresses walk out on the ramp. Paige tells Rose and Deville they have a match next week against Sane and Asuka.

Backstage, Matt Hardy and R-Truth are talking about Lars Sullivan. Sullivan teleports and appears behind R-Truth. Sullivan destroys R-Truth and Hardy.

Backstage, Aleister Black says he is both our wrath and our salvation.

WWE Championship Match: Kofi Kingston (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Sami Zayn

Styles acts like he wants to team up with Kingston. Styles kicks Kingston in the face, then attacks Zayn. Kingston springboard dropkicks Styles. Styles drives Kingston into the corner. Styles lands a nasty looking backbreaker. Kingston catches Styles with backsplash off the top. Styles kicks out. Zayn tries to get involved but Styles destroys him with a lariat. Kingston boom drops Styles. Zayn sends Kingston into the ring post. Zayn trips Styles on the apron. Styles hits the edge of the ring apron back first. After the break, Zayn hits a powerbomb on Kingston. Kingston kicks out at two. Zayn dives off the top and blasts Styles with a tornado DDT. Kingston breaks up the pin. Styles hurricanranas Zayn off the top.

Kingston walks right into the Ushigoroshi. Styles tries to DDT both Kingston and Zayn. Kingston escapes and hits the SOS on Styles, which causes Styles to DDT Zayn at the same time! Kingston and Styles trade strikes. Styles floors Kingston with the Pelé kick. Kingston hits the Trouble in Paradise on Styles. Styles falls off the apron. Kevin Owens runs down to ringside and attacks Xavier Woods. Owens sends Woods into the ring steps. While Kingston is distracted. Zayn crushes Kingston with the blue thunder bomb. Kingston kicks out. Zayn hits another. Kingston kicks out again.  Zayn hits a third blue thunder bomb. Kingston kicks out yet again! Zayn sets up the Helluva Kick. Zayn runs right into the Trouble in Paradise! Kingston finally gets the three count.

Winner and STILL WWE Champion, Kofi Kingston!


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