WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/7/19)

May 7, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

In Ring Segment: AJ Styles

Styles says he is happy to be back on SD Live. With Mr. McMahon announcing the new wildcard rules, Styles had to take advantage. Sami Zayn interrupts and says he wishes he could be anywhere but here. Styles and Zayn argue. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods join Styles and Zayn. Kingston makes fun of Styles for always saying this is the house that AJ Styles built. Kingston reminds Styles that he doesn’t live on Smackdown Live anymore. Kingston asks why Styles is here. Styles says since Kingston showed up on Raw, Styles is here on Smackdown. Kingston challenges Styles. Zayn cuts Kingston off and tells him that he is insane if he thinks anyone cares about him. If Kingston wants to give up a title shot, the only person who deserves it is Zayn. Kingston says he will fight either of them.

Earlier today, Kevin Owens says he is heading home because today is his birthday.

Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Ali

Ali lands a few strikes. Andrade falls to the outside. Ali tries to leap off the barricade but Vega stands in the way. While Ali is distracted, Andrade pushes Ali off the barricade. After the break, Ali cuts Andrade off while he is on the top rope. Ali hits the Spanish Fly. Randy Orton hits the ring and kicks Ali in the head to cause a disqualification.

Winner- Ali

After the match, Orton tries to DDT Andrade but Vega holds Andrade’s leg to save him. Ali unloads on Orton. Ali hits the ropes but Orton pops Ali up into the air for a nasty RKO. Andrade dives off the top into an RKO from Orton.

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