WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (5/06/19)


May 6, 2019

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Monday Night Raw Results

In Ring Segment: Mr. McMahon

Mr. McMahon says this will be a Raw no one will forget. Why? Because the show is starting off with him. Roman Reigns’ music hits and he walks down to the ring. Mr. McMahon says is Reigns thinks about hitting him again the police are on standby. Mr. McMahon asks Reigns who the hell he thinks he is. Reigns says Mr. McMahon needs to watch his tone. Reigns says he saw the McMahons stand in the ring and tell the WWE Universe that they are the Authority now. Reigns says that was a lie. Reigns doesn’t take orders from Mr. McMahon anymore. Reigns only answers to the WWE Universe. Reigns says he will show up whenever he wants. Mr. McMahon says if Reigns does that he will open the floodgates. Daniel Bryan interrupts. Mr. McMahon asks what Bryan is doing. Bryan rants about losing the WWE Championship to Kofi Kingston. Bryan decided that since Reigns was going to show up, so was he.

The New Day’s music hits and Kofi Kingston dances out on the stage. Kingston tells Bryan that if Bryan had a complaint, he could have come to Kingston since Kingston is the WWE Champion. Bryan tells Kingston that he doesn’t deserve the WWE Championship. Mr. McMahon says they are going to have a wild card rule where three members of SD Live show up on Raw each week and vice versa. Drew McIntyre stomps out to the ring and trash talks Reigns. Reigns challenges McIntyre to a match tonight. Mr. McMahon books two WrestleMania rematches. Kingston will defend the WWE Championship against Bryan and McIntyre will battle Reigns. AJ Styles walks out on the stage.


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