WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Live Results (5/1/19)

Backstage, Adam Cole says Roderick Strong dropped the ball last week. Strong walks away. Cole says he was joking. Strong either can’t take a joke or he can’t take a loss. Fish goes after Strong.

Kassius Ohno vs. Kushida

Kushida tries to shake Ohno’s hand. Ohno kicks Kushida’s hand away. Kushida and Ohno trade submission attempts. Kushida rides Ohno’s back, then mockingly slaps Ohno’s back. Kushida leaps in the air but Ohno locks in a cravat. Ohno tries a sweep but Kushida avoids it. We have a standoff. Ohno says Kushida is good and drops to a knee to shake Kushida’s hand. Kushida goes for the shake but Ohno kicks Kushida in the face. Ohno lands a chop that drops Kushida. Kushida catches Ohno with head kick. Springboard chop by Kushida. Kushida misses another head kick. Ohno lands an electric chair facebuster. Kushida kicks out but his nose is bleeding. Kushida trips Ohno into the turnbuckle. Kushida hits a dragon ranna. Kushida tries a handspring but Ohno levels him with an elbow to the back of the head. Kushida kicks out. Ohno hits the ropes and runs right into a straight right hand. PK to Ohno’s arm by Kushida. Kushida slaps on the Hoverboard Lock. Ohno taps!

Winner- Kushida


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