WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Live Results (5/1/19)

WWE NXT Live Results
May 1, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s NXT Results

Humberto Carrillo, Danny Burch, and Oney Lorcan vs. The Forgotten Sons

Lorcan lands a few chops. Running blockbuster by Lorcan. Blake tries to make the save but Lorcan sends Blake flying out of the ring with a roaring European uppercut. Lorcan dives over the top onto the Forgotten Sons. Carrillo lands a skywalker arm drag. Ryker responds with a spinebuster. The Forgotten Sons take turns beating down Carrillo. Carrillo eventually tags in Burch. Burch clears the ring. Missile dropkick by Burch to Cutler. Ryker breaks up Burch’s crossface. Carrillo accidentally hits a topé on Lorcan. Burch is left in the ring surrounded by all of the Forgotten Sons. Burch tries to fight Ryker, Cutler, and Blake but the numbers are too great. Ryker holds Burch and Carrillo in place as Cutler and Blake both hit double foot stomps off the top for the win.

Winners- The Forgotten Sons

Today’s #WZDaily

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