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IMPACT Wrestling TV Taping Results For 4/30 *Spoilers*

The following matches and segments are from last night’s IMPACT Wrestling TV tapings at the Rebel Entertainment Complex in Toronto, Canada:

Dark Match
Trey Miguel defeats Jake Crist

Killer Kross defeated Tyson Dux 


Michael Elgin cuts a promo, saying he made sure to take Brian Cage out so he couldn’t celebrate his title win. Elgin says Canadians should support Canadians, and he left Japan to win the world championship. Johnny Impact comes out and says he broke ‘The Machine’ and got another meathead in Elgin. Johnny mocks him for being bald, but Elgin says Johnny’s balls are in his wife’s purse. Konnan comes out and says he represents the Lucha Bros, and Pentagon Jr has the best claim to the world title picture. Elgin threatens him, but Pentagon comes out to fight until security breaks them up. Elgin ends up attacking security before the segment ends.

Ace Austin defeated Petey Williams

Rosemary defeated Kiera Hogan via disqualification
– Su Yung and the Undead Bridesmaids ran out and attacked Rosemary. Kiera teased helping Rosemary but ended up watching from the stage.

Fenix defeated Eddie Edwards
– Fenix won after a distraction from Killer Kross

Rob Van Dam cuts a promo and says he’s glad to be back, but Ethan Page interrupts. Ethan says he brought chairs to have a face-to-face sit down, and says RVD is no hero to him. RVD challenges Ethan, and Ethan agrees to a match ‘next week’, but RVD hits a Van Daminator to end the segment.

Number One Contender’s Match
Michael Elgin defeated Pentagon Jr and Johnny Impact
– It was noted that Pentagon may have injured his leg in the match as he was helped to the back

LAX defeated Moose and Josh Alexander
– Santana pins Alexander to pick up the win

Madison Rayne defeated Taya Valkyrie 
– non-title match; Madison submits Taya with a half crab

Jordynne Grace defeated Alexia Nicole

Gama Singh comes to the ring and insults Toronto before introducing the Desi Hit Squad for their match a 4-way match.

Desi Hit Squad defeated The Deaners, Brent Banks & Aiden Prince and The Rascalz
– Rohit Raju pinned Cody Deaner

Rob Van Dam defeated Ethan Page
– RVD won with a five star frog splash

oVe defeated Rich Swann, Willie Mack, Tommy Dreamer and Fallah Bahh
– Callihan pinned Mack after a piledriver on some Legos

Source: @loosejohnnyt