Crockett Cup
Photo Credit: NWA / Ring Of Honor

Complete NWA Crockett Cup Results (4/27/19): Three New Champions Are Crowned

NWA Crockett Cup Results
Concord, NC – April 27, 2019
Report by Dominic DeAngelo for

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Wild Card Battle Royal (to determine final spot in Crockett Cup Tournament)

Rhett Titus flexes up as The Boys clothesline him over the top rope. Kevin Blue is eliminated. Dane Dawson eliminates Lebron Cosen. Dane & Zane Dawson have both been eliminated. Will Ferrara has been eliminated. The Boys eliminate Bradley and Jocephus before they get eliminated by Royce & Thomas.

WINNERS: Royce Isaacs & Tom Latimer win the Wild Card Battle Royal to enter the final spot in the Crockett Cup tournament.

Crockett Cup Tournament Quarterfinals: Match 1

Flip Gordon & Bandido (ROH) vs. Stuka Jr. Guerrero & Maya Jr. (CMLL)

Big Flip Gordon chants, but Guerrero MAYA Jr. gets major over with four tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. Stuka Jr. comes in with two monkey flips on Bandido. Both catch Gordon in a dual abdominal stretch before they lock up Bandido in a double surfboard stretch. Flip quickly slides in for a pin attempt underneath to break the hold. Very creative and draws applause. Stuka Jr. hits a torpedo plancha to the outside onto Bandido. Guerrero Maya Jr. gets a two count on Flip. Great sequence of moves and pin attempts. Stuka gets a torpedo splash on Gordon for a close two count. Bandido a near fall on Maya Jr. for a very close two count. Gordon breaks up a two count after Stuka hits a Destroyer on Bandido, Flip is fired up. Maya Jr. eventually hits the Mayan Sacrifice on Flip for a close fall before Bandido makes the save. Gordon and Bandido catches Stuka with a pancake cutter for the 1-2-3  to advance in the tournament.

WINNERS: Bandido & Flip Gordon  to advance to semi-finals.

Crockett Cup Tournament Quarterfinals: Match 2

Royce Issacs & Tom Latimer vs. Crimson & Jax Dane (NWA)

Dane & Crimson show their brute power and brawl style to kick the match off. Powerful suplex by Isaacs to gain advantage. Announcers highlight both individuals and talks about Latimer’s past as a untrustworthy opponent. The two wear down Crimson. Both opponents are down as Crimson makes the tag to Dane and Latimer to Isaacs. Dane dominates. Lifts both men up for a double Samoan drop. Tags in Crimson. Crimson gets his knee slammed into the ring post as Royce Isaacs puts his feet on the rope as he school boys for the W.

WINNERS: Royce Issacs & Tom Latimer to advance to semi-finals.

Crockett Cup Tournament Quarterfinals: Match 3

The Rock n’ Roll Express (NWA) vs. The Briscoe Brothers (ROH)

Ricky and Robert start off hot as Ricky hits a hurricanrana to clear the ring of Mark & Jay. Ricky dives to the outside. Briscoes smash Morton into the post twice and Ricky is busted open. Cornette comments how RNRX have wrestled for 36 years. Mark Briscoe taking down Morton as he tags in Jay who continues the attack. Ricky fights his way to Robert Gibson to make the tag but the referee doesn’t see it and sends Gibson back. Gibson comes in and tosses Ricky his way to make the take and punches the brothers down. Ricky is on the rope to hit the Rocket Launcher onto Mark, Jay breaks it up, Mark and Jay attack Gibson out of the ring. Briscoes hit the top rope froggy elbow for the win and the right to advance in the tournament.

WINNERS: The Briscoes to advance to semi-finals.

Crockett Cup Tournament Quarterfinals: Match 4

Villain Enterprises (ROH) vs. Satoshi Kojima & Yuji Nagata (ROH)

Nagata and Brody King start the match off. Nagata gets the advantage and hits a low dropkick before locking in the Nagata Lock. PCO and Kojima both eventually get tagged in. PCO keeps thwarting Kojima’s shoulder blocks, but Kojima returns the favor before he knocks PCO back down who pops back up to leave a lariat onto Kojima. PCO dives through the ropes onto Kojima. He rolls Kojima back in to deliver a falling headbutt on PCO before tagging in King who goes on full offense before tagging in PCO again who then gets body slammed onto Kojima. Quick tags by VE that causes Nagata to break up a pin count. Kojima and King trade chops. King chops away before getting a DDT laid on him. Nagata gets tagged in to give kicks to the sternum and an exploder suplex  onto King for just a one count.  Two trade forearms. Two trade big boots and Nagata locks in the Fujiwara armbar for quite awhile before PCO can break it up. Double chokeslam on Nagata. Only a two count. PCO and King collide into one another. Kojima gets the tag and chops PCO in the corner like crazy E. Honda style. PCO perks up later to splash Kojima in the corner to return the favor of chops. Kojima hits a Koji cutter, but PCO hits a Michinoku Driver. King gets the tag and again goes on the offense to Kojima. Kojima forearms King repeatedly before hitting an impressive brainbuster onto King. King hits a lariat and Michinoku Driver for the win.

WINNERS: Villain Enterprises to advance to semi-finals.

Madusa comes out to introduce herself. She’s not someone’s advocate this evening, nor is she someone’s insurance policy. She is the queen of carnage. She is holding the NWA Women’s Championship. She says it is with honor that the NWA asked her to be apart of the historic occasion. Cornette mentions that Madusa looks like she could fight for that belt right now. Madusa mentions how long the title dates back and how the women in history have paved the way for the women today. She introduces Allysin Kay (Sienna) & Santana Garrett.

NWA World’s Women’s Championship Match For The Vacant Title

Allysin Kay vs. Santana Garrett

Two lock up as Kay slaps Garrett and Garrett arm locks Kay to the ground. Allysin Kay gains advantage and punt kicks Garrett to the ribs. Kay splashes Garrett in the corner for just a two count. Kay begins stretching Santana on the ground and eventually chops her in the corner. Garrett tries to turn the tables but Kay hits a wheelbarrow facebuster on Garrett for a two count. Kay continues to stop Santana’s momentum. She eventually boots Kay and hits a cartwheel handspring, Garrett gets Kay in a Muta Lock before Kay powers out to stand and hit a neckbreaker.  Garret hits a hook kick out of nowhere for a two count. Kay kicks Garrett to the side of the face for a two count and screams in frustration. Garrett goes for a Frankensteiner, Kay blocks, Garrett palm strikes, and hits the Frankensteiner, but Kayhits the Big D for the 1-2-3 to become the NWA Worlds Woman’s Champion.

WINNER: Allysin Kay to become the NEW NWA World’s Woman Champion

Midnight Express alum Sweet Stan Lane, Dennis Condrey & Bobby Eaton are introduced by Caprice Coleman. Bobby Eaton appreciates the fans and Stan Lane puts over Greensboro and North Carolina. Coleman mentions how Condrey has defeated his battle with cancer before giving Dennis the mic who thanks his six daughters and mentions how how he talks without a voice box and vocal chords. Big pop for him.

Crockett Cup Tournament Semi Finals: Match 5

Flip Gordon & Bandido (ROH) vs. Royce Issacs & Tom Latimer

Latimer uses power to get advantage on Gordon before Flip tags in Bandido who kicks Isaacs down and escapes an attack before hitting a deadlift suplex. Match goes two on two but Gordon and Bandido stereo superkick the two out of the ring. Bandido and Flip floss before attacking Isaacs and Latimer onto the outside.  Bandido shows off his strength before Flip arm drags his partner onto Isaacs in the corner. Flip hits the 450 splash but injures knee in the process. Only gets the two count. Latimer goes on the attack, focusing on the knee. Isaacs does the same. Todd Sinclair asks Flip if he wants to give up and Flip refuses. Both continue to grind on the knee and Flip continues to try to create separation. Flip almost tags Bandido but Isaacs pulls Bandido off the ropes and Latimer rolls Flip up with a handful of tights for the win.

WINNERS:  Royce Issacs & Tom Latimer to advance to the finals of The Crockett Cup.

Crockett Cup Tournament Semi Finals: Match 6

Villain Enterprises (ROH) vs. Briscoe Brothers (ROH)

Briscoes try to introduce chairs into the match, but PCO and Mark Briscoe begin exchanging chops. Cornette comments on how there’s more chops than a butcher shop. Jay and Mark both continue to attack PCO. PCO eventually tags in King who chops PCO (yes PCO) to amp him up before sending him into Mark Briscoe. VE double chokeslam Mark Briscoe. Sit-out bodyslam by PCO for a two count. King boot chokes Mark before he backflips over King to tag in Jay. Jay eventually hits a neckbreaker as he says, “got his ass now” but only for a two. Jay tries to launch himself onto the outside on King, but King turns it into a chokeslam onto the apron. PCO senton flips his way out and later tries to do the same off the top rope  onto a prone Briscoe onto the apron, but misses. Mat on the outside gets flipped up and the teams continue to brawl. Briscoes boot PCO in the shoulder and weapons get introduced…chairs. All four enter the ring with chairs. VE does make a connection, but referee catches Mark Briscoe and DQs the brothers. Briscoes attack referee Paul Turner and Jay hits a Jay Driller on him. Briscoes trap PCO with chairs on his arm and face. Briscoes cannonball onto him. Jay gets on the mic and say “Hell no! You don’t realize who the hell we are!” Briscoe says, “The hell with all of you” and snot on the NWA logo in the middle of the ring.

WINNERS:  Villain Enterprises via DQ to advance to the finals of The Crockett Cup.

NWA National Championship Match

Willie Mack (c) vs. Colt Cabana

Colt and Willie shake hands before starting. Many arm drag variations before the two come to a stalemate. Cornette mentions how Cabana has been making an effort to put his nose to the wrestling grindstone with less focus on entertaining. Cabana eventually evades a dropkick that sends Mack flat to the outside. Colt rolls Mack  in with an elbow for a two count. Cabana locks in a chin lock before Mack fights free only to be greeted with an elbow. Two count. Mack hits a flying double knees after running off the ropes as the two fight to stand up. Willie powers up for a Samoan Drop into a moonsault for a two count. Cornette comments on Mack’s perseverance. Mack cannonballs onto Colt in the corner for a two count. Colt begins delivering his bionic elbows. Irish whip and Colt flip moonsaults onto Willie for a two count. Mack T-bone suplexes Colt. Two fight on the top rope that leads Colt to a splash adjustment for a two. Mack eventually goes for a frog splash, misses. Colt goes for a moonsault, misses. Colt Cabana surprises Mack with a Superman Press for the win. Sign of respect between the two after Colt is victorious.

WINNER: Colt Cabana to become the NEW NWA National Champion

Cowboy James Storm enters the ring as Colt celebrates. Storm addresses the crowd and introduces himself to Concord once again. He congratulates Colt and crowd pops. He says last time he was in the NWA ring competing for the 10 Pounds of Gold. He says management didn’t want a guy like him to be their Worlds Champion because he’s not well-dressed and well-spoken. He respects Colt and gets tangled up in streamers. Colt helps him out. Storm says their is one way to thwart NWA’s management plans and it’s to take that title from Colt. He says next time he sees him he best watch out.

Billy Corgan, Joe Koff and the Crockett Family come out to pose with with Crockett Cup. Nikita Koloff comes out to present the Cup to the winners. “Nikita” chants. Nikita says “The Russian Nightmare, Nikita Koloff is in the house.” He thanks the Crockett Family for giving him an opportunity of a lifetime. He thinks back about his wrestling career. Caprice asks him about what happened to his accent and Nikita says it’s been 35 years, his language had to improve.  Koloff mentions he’s been flying and staying busy, but he’s been busy preaching the Gospel of Jesus. Koloff then introduces Magnum T.A. Magnum comes out and the two legends embrace.  Magnum mentions how he and Ronnie Garvin went to the finals of the first Crockett Cup against the Road Warriors. He said after his accident he came back to life in a big way. He says coming out here still gives him chills and that he’s excited to be in attendance for tonight.

Crockett Cup Tournament Finals: Match 7

Villain Enterprises (ROH) vs. Royce Isaacs & Tom Latimer

Latimer and Isaacs come out with Madusa who spoke with the two during the last match against Gordon and Bandido. VE both come out favoring their right arms. King fights off Isaacs and Latimer as the announcers express how injured PCO is. Just constant work on Brody King. King then somehow suplexes himself to relief and crawls to PCO as he tags the monster in. The tag hurts and then yells at King to fix his arm. King pulls PCO’s arm against the ropes as it rejuvenates the French Canadian Frankenstein. He goes on the assault and he and Brody hit a top rope moonsault for the 1-2-3.

WINNERS: Villain Enterprises to become the winners of The Crockett Cup & NEW NWA Tag Team Champions

Post match, Nikita and Magnum T.A. congratulate Villain Enterprises on the victory.


NWA Worlds Championship Match

Nick Aldis (c) vs Marty Scurll

Legendary NWA referee Tommy Young does the honors of sizing the two opponents up with the rules. Collar and elbow start the match off and Scurll manages to take the bigger man in Aldis down. Aldis soon gains advantage with maneuvering but Scurll’s agility saves him. Scurll adds trickory by acting like Camille tripped him (which she didn’t), but it gets her removed from ringside. Scurll gloats as the two fight on the outside. Back in the ring, Aldis hits a fallaway slam and a German Suplex. Fight carries onto the outside. Aldis drags a table over and chokeslams Scurll through it. Chants break out for Marty as Aldis elicits boos. Aldis takes it back to the ring and headlocks Marty before Scurll gains momentum a bit, but Aldis regains control. Scurll slaps Aldis that charges the champ up, but then spits in his face to gain advantage and hits a tornado DDT. Two exchange punches, Scurll gains upperhand and Scurll stomps a mudhole into Aldis. Fans are behind The Villain. Marty suicide dives onto Aldis. Aldis is bleeding heavily on his right eye. Scurll hits a 619 before later locking in a figure-four leg lock.  Two count on Aldis while locked in. Aldis struggles as he gets counted again before grabbing the ropes and Scurll releases as the ref gets to three.  Aldis hits a tombstone piledriver before hitting a picture perfect elbow drop from the top. Two count. Aldis goes for the Kingsland Cloverleaf but can’t and hits a Michinoku Driver for two. Aldis slowly climbs the ropes and Marty goes for a superplex. Aldis knocks him off but he can’t gain composure due to blood loss. Scurll then delivers a superplex. Two count. Aldis powerbomb pins Scurll for two but Aldis goes for a Kingsland Cloverleaf again, but Scurll “breaks the finger.” Scurll teases chickenwing, can’t hit it, but does hit Aldis with Cody’s Cross Rhodes. Ref is down and Camille comes back in to speak Marty. Aldis stops her and tells his insurance policy to stay out. She leaves and Scurll low blows Aldis to hit a Black Plague. 1-2- kick out! Playing gield back even as Aldis gets a two count before Scurll locks in a chicken wing. Aldis slowly is fading but turns it into a pin attempt.  Both get to their feet, Scurll goes for the Scurll Driver but Aldis turns it into the Kingsland.  Marty taps.

WINNER: Nick Aldis to retain the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship

Post match, a bloody Aldis and a beaten Scurll embrace. Scurll gets on the mic to say Aldis made him the man he is today, being the first friend he made in wrestling. Scurll thought he could sit here and be double champion this month, but the better man won tonight and no other man deserves it more than him.

Aldis takes the mic and says Scurll is the biggest star in wrestling that is self-made. He goes on say how much the NWA has grown and “we ain’t going anywhere.” He thanks fans for the support and the show ends.