WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Live Results (4/10/19)

WWE NXT Live Results
April 10, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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NXT TakeOver: New York Results

Candice LeRae vs. Aliyah w/Vanessa Borne

Aliyah takes LeRae down with a headlock. LeRae runs into a dropkick by LeRae. After a distraction from Borne, Aliyah sends LeRae into the middle rope. Leaping knee drop by Aliyah. Aliyah stomps LeRae in the corner. Aliyah slaps LeRae in the face. LeRae blast Aliyah with an elbow strike. Step up senton by LeRae. Quebrada by LeRae for the win!

Winner- Candice LeRae

Danny Burch w/Oney Lorcan vs Jaxon Ryker w/The Forgotten Sons

As soon as the bell rings Burch is all over Ryker. Ryker pulls Burch off the second rope by his leg. Burch hits the mat hard. Ryker runs over Ryker and gets a two count. Belly-to-back suplex by Ryker. Ryker crushes Burch with a diving headbutt. Ryker tries to rip Burch’s noses off. Burch surprises Ryker with a jawbreaker. Corner clothesline by Burch. Burch drops Ryker with a missile dropkick. The Forgotten Sons try to get in the ring. Lorcan hits the ring and dives over the top to take them out. Burch rolls up Ryker in a small package. Ryker kicks out. Ryker destroys Burch with the Widow Maker for the win.

Winner- Jaxon Ryker

After the match, Ryker tries to continue the beatdown on Burch. Lorcan tries to make the save but is quickly dispatched by the Forgotten Sons.

Today’s #WZDaily-


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