ROH-NJPW G1 Supercard Results

ROH-NJPW G1 Supercard Results
April 6, 2019
Report by Colin Tessier for

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Honor Rumble

Kenny King and Minoru Suzuki are the first two entrants. Suzuki no-sells some chops and a shoulder tackle. One punch drops King before the next entrant, Cheeseburger, enters the match. The new entrant chops both men in the ring before Suzuki floors him with a forearm. Suzuiki tries to eliminate King and the Beer City Bruiser strolls to the ring with a keg. The big man dishes out punches to all three men in the ring and bites them, too. Suzuki and King gang up on him and Sho enters the match. He drops Cheeseburger with a dropkick and tries to suplex the Bruiser.

Shingo Takagi is the next entrant and Sho immediately fights with him. Takagi floors him with a clothesline before Bushi comes to the ring. Yoh, Sho’s partner, enters the match and teams with his partner to fight Bushi. They drop Takagi with a double dropkick. Bruiser gets eliminated off-screen. Shaheem Ali enters the match and headbutts Cheeseburger. Ali drops Sho with a swinging slam. Rhett Titus enters the match but before taking some time to flex. It looks like he has a fresh tan; he continues to flex.

LSG enters the match and floors Sho with a boot. Ryusuke Taguchi is the next entrant. Sho and Yoh continue to work together. Will Ferrera comes to the ring and Titus hugs his former partner. They start arguing and Titus slingshots him into other competitors. Chase Owens makes his way to the ring and hits Ferrera with a series of strikes and a clothesline. Rocky Romero runs to the ring and runs around clotheslining people. It’s a train of clotheslines on Bushi, courtesy of several contestants. Bushi is eliminated by Romero.

“Brawler” Milonas strolls to the ring and eliminates Ali and LSG. Bad Luck Fale enters the match and dumps Sho and Yoh over the match. Cheeseburger avoids elimination; his partners in Shinobi Shadow Squad catch him. Titus pulls a Shawn Michaels to avoid elimination but he’s eliminated by Shingo, who gets eliminated by Suzuki. Tracy Williams enters the match and exchanges strikes with Suzuki. Yoshi-Hashi is the next entrant and Taguchi gets eliminated off-screen. Romero fights out of a bearhug from Milonas.

PJ Black enters the match and Suzuki tosses out Ferrera and Owens. Jyushin “Thunder” Liger makes his way to the ring and takes the fight to everyone in sight. Milonas gets eliminated by the legend. TK O’Ryan enters the match and takes battles Black. Vinny Marseglia makes is way to the ring. Williams gets tossed out by the representatives of the Kingdom. Delirious runs to the ring (and around it.) Tomohiro Ishii enters the match and dishes out strikes to everyone around. He eliminates Black.

Toru Yano enters the match but trades places with Colt Cabana. Cabana hits elbows on everyone around. Cabana gets the loudest cheers of the match. Hirooki Goto is the next entrant. Yoshi-Hashi gets thrown out by Fale. Nearly all the competitors collectively eliminate Fale. King Haku makes his way to the ring and targets Cabana. Yano enters the ring and attacks Haku. The Great Muta enters the match as the last entrant. Muta strikes Delirious and eliminates him.

Suzuki eliminates Cabana and Yano. Muta eliminates Gresham. The Stone Pitbull and Suzuki exchange strikes. Ishii eliminates Suzuki before the Kingdom tosses Cheeseburger out. Haku fights the Kingdom but Marseglia and O’Ryan toss him out. They also eliminate Ishii. Muta, Liger, O’Ryan and Marseglia are the final four.

The legends eliminate the Kingdom. Muta and Liger are the final two. King comes back into the ring and eliminates both Muta and Liger.

Winner: Kenny King

Muta sprays King with the mist. Liger is left alone in the ring and the fans thank him.

The main show begins with a hype video for G1 Supercard; various ROH and NJPW stars discuss the event and the prestige of Madison Square Garden. Lots of NJPW fans are in the house, as loud chants of “NJPW” ring throughout the arena. The announcers (Colt Cabana, Kevin Kelly and Ian Riccaboni) welcome viewers to the show and preview the lineup.

Title vs. Title Match: NEVER Openweight Champion Will Ospreay vs. ROH World TV Champion Jeff Cobb

Cobb takes the fight to Ospreay and sends him flying with a shoulder block. Outside the ring, Ospreay uses the barricade as a springboard. He then hits a cartwheel senton on Cobb and counters Cobb with a tornado DDT on the floor. Cobb overpowers Ospreay and hits a delayed vertical superplex for a near fall. The Olympian throws Ospreay across the ring. Ospreay attempts a hurricanrana but Cobb counters it into a bearhug. Cobb is taken down with a handspring spinning kick.

Ospreay takes Cobb down with a springboard forearm. Cobb throws Ospreay across the ring again after the former slaps him a few times. Cobb kips up and hits a standing moonsault for a near fall. Stiff strikes rock Cobb, who hits Ospreay with a superkick but Ospreay plants Cobb with a Spanish Fly. A flying dropkick catches Cobb in the side of the face. The two men exchange counters and Ospreay nearly wins with a sunset flip powerbomb.

Cobb turns Ospreay inside out with a clothesline. The big man goes up top but Ospreay dodges a Frog Splash attempt. A Robinson Special is followed up by an  Oss-Cutter attempt but Cobb counters. He throws Ospreay into the corner but Cobb still gets planted with the same move. A hook kick to the head drops Cobb but he counters a Storm Breaker. Cobb hits the Call of the Islands off the top rope and nails it again on the ground to win the match.

Winner and new NEVER Openweight Champion: Jeff Cobb 

Dalton Castle vs. Rush

Castle makes his grand entrance with more splendor than usual. Rush kicks away Castle’s handshake and floors Castle, who was distracted by one of the Boys’ feathers, with two Bull’s Horns in the corner for the win.

Winner: Rush

The Boys offer themselves as a throne for Castle but he attacks them. He plants Boy #2 with a Bangarang. Castle has tears in his eyes as he walks away.

A hype video builds up G1 Climax 29.

Many León joins the announce team for the Women of Honor World Championship match. Before that match, the camera pans backstage. Juice Robinson has been laid out. His mysterious assailant runs away before they can be identified.