WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (3/19/19)

March 19th, 2019

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

In Ring Segment: The Miz

Miz says he has given up everything to be where he is in the WWE. Miz says he just wanted to make his dad proud. No matter how cheesy it may seem, his father standing in the ring with him was the happiest moment of his life. Shane attacked him in front of his father. Shane then proceeded to put his hands on Miz’s dad. Miz says Shane is rotten to the core just like his father. Shane wasn’t born “best in the world” he was born “the worst”. Miz says the McMahons may own this company but they don’t own him or Kofi. Miz says his entire life everyone told him he would never be anything but he did it. It took 13 years but Miz has finally earned the fans respect. Miz is going to give Shane the ass-whipping he deserves at WrestleMania.

The Boss & Hug Connection vs The IIconics

Bayley clotheslines Kay. Lacey Evans walks out and waves. The IIconics attack Bayley in the confusion. After the break, Royce and Kay are working over Bayley. Bayley tags in Banks. Banks lands a double knee strike on Royce, followed by a top rope Meteora. Kay breaks up the pin. Bayley runs in into a boot by Kay. Royce rolls up Banks with a little help from Kay and gets the three count.

Winners- The IIconics

Backstage, Rey Mysterio is with his son Dominic. Mysterio announces he is going to face Samoa Joe at WrestleMania for the U.S. title. Dominic says Joe is a bully and his father take care of bullies.

WWE SmackDown Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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