roh 17th anniversary results
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR

Ring Of Honor 17th Anniversary Results

Ring Of Honor 17th Anniversary Results
March 15th, 2019
Report by Colin Tessier for

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A pre-show video hypes up the title match between Jay Lethal and Matt Taven. Nick Aldis and Caprice Coleman are the color commentators alongside Ian Riccaboni, who runs through the show’s card.

Marty Scurll vs. Kenny King

King hits a springboard neckbreaker for a near fall and follows it up with a Blue Thunder Bomb. KIng dominates a few minutes of the match and he doesn’t allow Scurll to gain momentum. Scurll dodges King’s dive to the outside and counters by hitting a tornado DDT off the apron. King kicks out of the Villain Bomb and Scurll hits the 619 for a near fall. King takes down Scurll with a spinning dive off the apron. Scurll hangs on after a superplex but King counters another suplex with a Royal Flush. Scurll rolls to the outside to prevent a pin. King gets a steel chair and the referee tries to take it. Scurll capitalizes on the distraction and pins Kenny King.

Winner: Marty Scurll

ROH World Television Championship: Jeff Cobb © vs. Shane Taylor

Taylor gains momentum with a series of strikes and irish whips. Cobb fights back with strikes of his own, including a stiff knife edge chop. Cobb floors Taylor with a hard boot to the face but Taylor hits a spear on the outside. Cobb dodges a running senton in the corner and the two big men exchange hard chops. Cobb lifts and throws Taylor for a near fall. Taylor floors Cobb with a knee to the chin for a long two count. The two big men trade more blows, including a superkick from the champion, and a clothesline knocks Taylor down. The champion throws Taylor across the ring before the challenger nearly gets the win with a forceful spinebuster. Taylor comes close to winning the title with a Cleveland Destroyer but Cobb kicks out. Cobb hits one Tour of Islands but Taylor no sells it. The champion hits another one to secure the victory.

Winner and still TV Champion: Jeff Cobb

WOH World Title: Mayu Iwatani (c) vs Kelly Klein

Klein immediately takes the fight to the champion and dominates the first few minutes. The challenger overpowers the champion at every turn. Two Sling Blades finally give Iwatani some momentum. Iwatani hits Klein with a German suplex but Klein returns the favor, planting the champion on her head. Iwatani hits one moonsault from the second rope but Klein blocks another one. Klein hits the KR for a near fall and follows it up with a Klein Line. Iwatani rolls up the challenger for the surprise pinfall victory.

Winner and still WOH World Champion: Mayu Iwatani

Tracy Williams and Mark Haskins (Lifeblood) vs. Vinny Marseglia and TK O’RyanVinny Marseglia and TK O’Ryan (The Kingdom)

Before the match, Matt Taven accompanies his stablemates to the ring and talks about Lethal disrespected him. He calls himself the world champion and calls Lethal out to the ring. The ROH World Champion comes to the ring, and the expected main event is getting an early start.

ROH World Championship: Jay Lethal (c) vs. Matt Taven

The two rivals exchange strikes and knife edge chops. Taven and Lethal exchange momentum but the challenger grounds the champion with a chinlock-body scissors combination before shifting into chinlock that’s almost like a Camel Clutch. Lethal gets out of it and hits a dragon screw leg whip. Taven counters a back springboard elbow with a heel kick.  Lethal hits two backbreakers and targets Taven’s spine with a series of knees. The referee misses a potential pinfall when Lethal’s shoulders hit the mat during an inverted Texas Cloverleaf. Lethal hits a suicide dive and follows it up with three more. Later, Lethal dodges a frog splash and hits a Lethal Combination. Marseglia and O’Ryan attack Jay Lethal and brutalize Jonathan Gresham but they’re chased off by Haskins and Williams. Lethal hits an elbow drop off the top and locks in the Figure Four leglock. Taven suplexes Lethal through a table at ringside and later dodges an elbow drop, which causes Lethal to nearly break a ladder upon impact. After a Lethal Injection and kickout, the refereee declares the match a draw because it passed the sixty minute time limit.

Winner: Draw (Lethal retains)

Scurll shows up, takes the title and leaves. Taven throws a streamer at Lethal and leaves, too.