The Revival Scott Dawson Dash Wilder FTR
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Dash Wilder On The Match He’d Like To Have At Wrestlemania 35, More Opportunities For The Revival In WWE

Dash Wilder spoke with talkSPORT and commented on his desire to see WWE bring back more matches involving six-man alliances that were seen in the Attitude Era, as well as seeing The Revival work in tag team action against two individual stars:

“Without a doubt, I feel that way. It’s something we’ve actually been working on trying to make happen more often. We feel like there could be opportunities where myself and Dawson wrestle two other single stars like Finn Balor and, I don’t know… Seth Rollins, that would be great for us. If we could have a match with any two superstars that are in that light and are seen as main eventers, we could have some great matches with them. I would love to see that.

“Or if there was a six-man where we team up with Baron Corbin to take on The Shield – I would love to see them [WWE] mix it up a little bit more with guys from outside of our division so we’re not painted within ourselves, we’re not restricted to tag teams and we’re all throughout the show. I would 100 percent, without a doubt, love to have more of that.”

Wilder also spoke about wanting to have a two out of three falls match at Wrestlemania, something he says he’s not sure if it will happen, but he will make an effort to get the match he wants at the big event:

“Personally this year – I don’t know it’s possible or within reach but we’re going to do everything in our power make it – would be a match with Roode and Gable, two-out-of-three falls, for the tag team titles. I feel like those guys have so much to offer as a tag team and they’ve only scratched the surface – especially on TV – compared to what they can do. I know what each guy is capable of individually and what they’re capable of as a team because we’ve wrestled them on live events all across the world at this point. We’ve had 40-minute matches, two-out-of-three falls matches, straight-up matches and I can’t say enough how much more they have to offer to this division and how great both guys are – as much as I love that we’ve beaten them [laughs].

“I’d love to have a two-out-of-three falls match with them because the four of us will go out there, work harder than anybody else is going to work and we’ll give fans something to remember. That’s something we’re going to pitch for until the day is over. I don’t know if it’s going to happen, what’s going to go on but up until WrestleMania goes off the air we’ll be pitching that!”

Related: Dash Wilder: There’s A Lot Of ‘Non-Truth’ About Reports Of The Revival Asking For Their WWE Releases