WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (3/4/19)

Sasha Banks w/Bayley vs Tamina w/Nia Jax

Tamina pounds on Banks. Banks tries to fire back but Tamina cuts her off with a shoulder block. Banks surprises Tamina with a pair of running knees. Tamina kicks out. Banks hits a side Russian leg sweep into the Banks Statement. Jax pulls Tamina to the ropes. After a distraction but Jax, Tamina hits a superkick for the win.

Winner- Tamina

Backstage, Che leaves Jost alone. Che goes to the bathroom and Jost runs into Strowman in record time (who else saw that coming). Jost asks Strowman if any of this is real. Strowman picks Jost up by his neck and asks him what does he think. After the break, Che has to beg Strowman to let Jost go. Strowman eventually does.

Raw Tag Team Championship Match: The Revival (c) vs Aleister Black and Ricochet

Black lands a few kicks. Wilder and Dawson double team Black. Wilder lands a back suplex. Dawson and Wilder beat down Black. Dawson sends Black into the ropes but Black responds with a lionsault. Chad Gable and Bobby Roode walk down to the ring. After the break, Black sweeps Wilder and Dawson at the same time. Black tags in Ricochet. Ricochet gets multiple near falls. Springboard European uppercut. Wilder falls out of the ring. Gable and Roode attack Dawson and Wilder to cause the disqualification.

Winners- The Revival

After the match, Black and Ricochet kick the crap out of Gable and Roode.

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