WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (3/4/19)

March 4th, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s WWE RAW Results. Read More Here.

In Ring Segment: Roman Reigns

Reigns says last week was a comeback. This week, they will take their yard back. Reigns says there is one thing that he wants and there is one man standing in his way. That man is Seth Rollins. Reigns asks Rollins to join him in the ring. Rollins obliges. Rollins says before they get started he just wants to say that seeing Reigns standing there was an inspiration to him. Rollins is going to slay the beast. Rollins says he knows Reigns deserves a shot at Lesnar as well. Reigns tells Rollins that he is wrong. Reigns says the only thing he has to say to Rollins is good luck.

Reigns says he needs a favor.  Reigns says he wants to get the band back together one last time. Rollins says anything but that. Reigns wants to do it one last time since they aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. Rollins agrees. Reigns asks Ambrose to come out to the ring. Ambrose saunters down to the ring. Elias hits Ambrose in the back with a guitar before Ambrose can speak. Reigns and Rollins rush to Ambrose’s aid.

Backstage, Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley, and Lio Rush all take a crap on the Shield reunion.

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