dalton castle
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Courtney Rose

Honor Rising Night 1 Results (2/22) Three Title Matches

SIXTH MATCH: NEVER Openweight Championship Match: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Dalton Castle

They shake hands to start. Castle evades the lock up. Castle smacks Ospreay. They violently chain wrestle. Ospreay corners Castle. They break.

They endlessly dodge corner lariats from each other. Castle poses. Ospreay drops Castle. Castle rolls out of the ring. Ospreay feigns a dive. Ospreay mocks Castle. Castle gets back in the ring.

Castle reaches into his trunks and pulls out a slap to the face. They trade blows. Ospreay corners Castle and chops the chest. Ospreay counters Bangarang with a rollup for two.

Castle hits a Saito Suplex. Ospreay rolls out of the ring. Castle hits a back suplex to the floor. Castle punches Ospreay in the jaw. Ospreay is sent into the barricade. Castle rolls Ospreay back in the ring.

Castle attacks Ospreay’s neck and shoulder. Ospreay fights back. Castle locks in a stepover toe hold. Castle attacks the back. Castle maintains dominance. Castle lowbridges Ospreay out of the ring. Ospreay hits a Phenomenal Forearm off the barricade. Ospreay hits Space Flying Tiger Drop.

Both men trade strikes in the ring. Ospreay hits a rebound handspring enziguiri. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay hits Phenomenal Forearm. Castle hits a lariat. Castle hits a knee to the gut. Castle hits a DDT. Castle hits a high knee in the corner. Castle punishes Ospreay.Ospreay counters Bangarang. Ospreay hits a enziguiri. Ospreay counters a deadlift German Suplex. Castle counters Osscutter.

Castle punches Ospreay in the mouth. They trade blows. Ospreay dodges a corner splash. Castle goes crashing to the outside. Ospreay blocks a German Suplex. Castle counters a rope hung attack. Castle knocks Will Ospreay to the floor. Castle rolls Ospreay into the ring. Castle hits a Reverse Slingblade. Castle covers for two.

Ospreay counters Bangarang with a rollup. Ospreay gets another nearfall. Castle hits a lariat. Castle hits a Deadlift Powerbomb for two.

Ospreay counters Bangarang with a reverse rana. Ospreay hits a kick to the head. Ospreay hits Hidden Blade. Ospreay hits Stormbreaker for the pinfall in 17:30.



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