The show is available on NJPWWorld
FIRST MATCH: Ren Narita vs. Marty Scurll
They lock up. They trade holds. Scurll gets arm control but Narita somersaults out and locks in a wristlock. Scurll gets out of the hold. Scurll hits a snapmare. Narita locks in a wristlock. Scurll hits a snapmare. Narita locks in a wristlock. Scurll hits a snapmare. Narita locks in a wristlock. Scurll locks in a hammerlock. They trade holds. They break.
Narita wins a Test Of Strength. Scurll counters with a pin attempt. Narita bridges out. Scurll tries to break the bridge, to no avail. Narita powers to his feet. Scurll smacks Narita in the mouth. They trade blows. Scurll hits a back elbow. Scurll tosses Narita out of the ring.
Scurll hits an apron run superkick. Scurll rolls Narita into the ring. Scurll drops an elbow across Narita’s throat. Scurll gets back in the ring. Scurll hits a catapult into the bottom rope. Scurll covers for two.
Scurll punishes Narita’s back. Scurll locks in an Inverted Cloverleaf. Scurll continues to dominate. Narita hits a back elbow. Narita hits a corner back elbow. Narita hits a shoulder tackle. Narita hits a brainbuster. Narita covers for two.
Narita locks in a Boston Crab. Scurll fights out. Scurll counters a Belly To Belly. Scurll hits a backslide enziguiri. Scurll hits a powerbomb. Scurll locks in a Boston Crab. Narita fights to the ropes.
Scurll hits a low dropkick. Narita hits a dropkick. Narita blocks a Chickenwing. Scurll hits a Half & Half Suplex. Scurll gets Narita on the top rope. Scurll hits a Superplex. Narita counters Crossface Chickenwing with a rollup for two. Narita fights back. Scurll locks in Crossface Chickenwing. Narita submits in 11:33.
WINNER: Marty Scurll
SECOND MATCH: Shota Umino vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
Shota Umino attacks TAKA Michinoku before the bell. Sabre and Umino lock up. Sabre flips out of the lock up.
They lock up. Sabre slips out of the lock up.
Umino takes down Sabre. Umino locks in a heel hold. Sabre slips out of the hold.
Sabre gets wrist control. Sabre manipulates both of Umino’s arms. Umino counters with his own double wrist locks. Sabre counters with a Full Nelson. Umino counters with a Full Nelson. Sabre counters but Umino continues to maintain the hold. Umino counters a European Clutch with a Full Nelson. Umino hits a snapmare. Sabre attempts to hook in a hold, but Umino kicks him off.
They continue to trade holds. Sabre kicks at Umino’s leg. Sabre manipulates the leg. Sabre locks in a Modified Muta Lock. Sabre transitions to Young Boy Killer. Umino fights to the ropes.
Sabre locks in a Boston Crab. Sabre transitions to a Single Leg Crab. Umino fights to the ropes.
Umino hits a dropkick. Umino hits a corner back elbow. Umino hits a brainbuster. Umino covers for two.
Sabre locks in an Inverted Scorpion Deathlock. Umino fights to the ropes.
Sabre continues to torture the lower limbs. Umino hits a backslide. Umino counters a Penalty Kick. They trade waistlocks. Umino hits a Bridging German Suplex for two. Sabre locks in Jim Breaks Armbar. Umino fights to the ropes.
Umino hits a Missile Dropkick from the second rope. Umino hits a Missile Dropkick from the top rope. Sabre locks in a Boston Crab. Umino counters with a rollup for two.
They trade blows. Sabre rolls up Umino for two. Umino hits a drop toe hold. Umino hits La Magistral for two. Umino transitions to a crucifix for two. Umino transitions to an armbar. Sabre fights to the ropes.
Sabre counters a Fisherman Suplex. Sabre kicks at the left arm. Umino smacks Sabre repeatedly. Sabre locks in a Guillotine Choke. Umino counters with a Deadlift Vertical Suplex. Umino hits a Missile Dropkick from the top rope. Umino covers for two.
Sabre counters a Fisherman Suplex with Orienteering With Napalm Death. Umino taps in 13:56.
WINNER: Zack Sabre Jr.
Sabre refuses to break the hold. TAKA gets Sabre to break the hold.