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Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Courtney Rose

Honor Rising Night 1 Results (2/22) Three Title Matches

FIFTH MATCH: NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Championship Match: Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Ryusuke Taguchi (c) vs. Cheeseburger, Delirious & Colt Cabana

Yano and Delirious start the match. Delirious chases Yano around the ring. Cabana tags in. Makabe tags in.

They lock up. Colt locks in a headlock. They trade shoulder tackles. Cabana drops Makabe with a shoulder tackle. Makabe hits a shoulder tackle. Cabana corners Makabe. Cheeseburger tags in.

Makabe catches Cheeseburger. Makabe puts Cheeseburger on the top rope. Taguchi tags in and suplexes Cheeseburger. Taguchi covers for two.

Taguchi locks in a side headlock. Taguchi bodyslams Cheeseburger. Yano tags in.

Yano stomps on Cheeseburher. Makabe tags in. Makabe punishes Cheeseburger in the corner. Taguchi tags in.

Taguchi hits a series of hip attacks. Cheeseburger counters a suplex. Cabana tags in.

Cabana hits a series of chops. Cabana hits Dusty Punches. Cabana hits a Bionic Elbow. Cabana slams Taguchi and gets a nearfall. Cabana slams Taguchi. Cheeseburger hits a Double Stomp. Delirious hits an elbow drop. Cabana hits a splash. Cabana covers. Taguchi’s team breaks up the pin.

Cabana hits an atomic drop. Cabana fights off Taguchi. Yano tags in.

Yano removes the turnbuckle pads. Yano and Cabana duel with the turnbuckle pads. Delirious tags in.

Delirious and Cabana hit Yano with turnbuckle pads. Delirious is sent into the exposed buckle. Delirious fights back. Delirious hits a lariat. Delirious covers for two.

Taguchi hits a hip attack. Makabe hits a lariat. Yano rolls up Delirious for the pinfall in 10:16.

WINNERS AND STILL CHAMPIONS: Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Ryusuke Taguchi


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