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Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Courtney Rose

Honor Rising Night 1 Results (2/22) Three Title Matches

THIRD MATCH: Jushin Thunder Liger & Jonathan Gresham vs. Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori & Robbie Eagles)

Gresham and Eagles start the match. They trade holds. Gresham rolls out of a wristlock.

They lock up. They trade holds. Gresham gets the better of Eagles and punishes Eagles’s shoulder. Eagles fights back. They trade holds. They break.

They lock up. They trade headlock takeovers. Gresham locks in a headscissors. Eagles fights to the ropes.

Gresham tortures Eagles with a hammerlock. They trade holds. They trade takedowns. Gresham goes back to the hammerlock. Eagles corners Gresham. Gresham breaks. Gresham hits an armdrag. Gresham dominates Eagles. Ishimori tags in. Liger tags in.

They lock up. Liger rolls up Ishimori with a Crucifix for the pinfall in 5:27.

WINNERS: Jushin Thunder Liger & Jonathan Gresham

FOURTH MATCH: Juice Robinson, David Finlay, Tomoaki Honma & Toa Henare vs. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe

Finlay and Jay start the match.

[stream died briefly]

Juice hits an axe handle to Jay’s arm. Finlay and Juice hit a double bulldog. Honma tags in.

Honma bodyslams Mark. Henare hits a chop. Finlay hits a leg drop. Juice hits a senton. Jay dodges Kokeshi. Mark dominates Honma. Jay chokes Honma in the corner. Mark tags in. Mark maintains dominance. Tama tags in. Tama drops Honma. Tama covers for two.

Tanga Loa tags in. Tanga Loa slams Honma. Mark tags in. Mark keeps Honma grounded. Jay tags in. Mark and Mark hit double knees to Honma. Jay and Honma trade blows. Jay bites Honma’s head. Tama tags in.

Mark tags in. Jay accidentally hits Tama with a Yakuza Kick. Mark hits Honma with an uppercut. Tama tags in.

Honma blocks a suplex. Tama blocks a German Suplex. Jado trips Honma. Honma hits a Flying Kokeshi. Henare tags in.

Henare pummels Tama. Henare hits a shoulder tackle. Tanga Loa runs in. Henare fights off the double team. Henare hits Tama with a Samoan Drop. Henare covers for two. Tama dodges the spear. Tama and Tanga double team Henare. Tama hits a Neckbreaker. Tama covers for two.

Tama hits a Superman Punch. Henare hits a headbutt. Juice tags in. Mark tags in. They trade blows. Juice hits Dusty Punches. Mark hits a throat thrust. Juice hits a Spinebuster. Juice hits a corner lariat. The Briscoes double team Juice. Finlay and Juice hit Stereo Dropkicks. Finlay and Juice hit Forever Lariats. Briscoes counter. Briscoes hit Crucifix Powerbomb/Neckbreaker. They cover but Juice’s team makes the save.

Juice counters Doomsday Device. Juice hits Left Hand Of God. Mark counters Pulp Friction. Jado accidentally hits Mark with a Kendo Stick. Juice rolls up Mark Briscoe for the pinfall in 12:14.

WINNERS: Juice Robinson, David Finlay, Toa Henare & Tomoaki Honma

After the match, Tama and Tanga beat up The Briscoes.