Jeff Cobb
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / Devin Chen

Jeff Cobb On Choosing ROH & Why Competition Kills Complacency

Jeff Cobb
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Jeff Cobb did a sit-down interview with Denise Salcedo of Instinct Culture and the ROH Television Champion talked to her about how he’s handled the success of his 2018, why he chose to sign with Ring of Honor and got his thoughts on AEW’s formation and how it’s great for wrestling (all while on very spinny chairs). Quotes are below and so is the video of the entire interview (transcription credit should go to @DominicDeAngelo of WrestleZone):

Jeff Cobb’s initial reaction to being told of his 2018 milestones:

A lot of my reactions were ‘you sure?’ I guess they see something. I guess we’re all our own worst critics if you will. I’m sure like you’re harshest critic and I’m my harshest critic. I feel if they’re gonna give me this ball and run with it then I guess I’ll just do my bestest and hopefully they don’t regret this decision later on.

On his plans for 2019:

Well, 2019, I would love to go back to Japan more. More often. Short term goals is to definitely wrestle at the Garden on the most wonderful weekend of professional wrestling and then go from there. Hopefully the G1. I would love to be in that. I hear it’s very grueling. Very tiring.

On why we chose to sign with ROH:

I’ve been following Ring Of Honor for a while. If you look at like the best wrestlers in the world. in WWE, in New Japan and whatnot they’ve all gone through Ring Of Honor. It feels like it’s a great place to be and I’m happy I’m there right now. With the loss that we took, the amount of guys that left, I think it opens up a good platformm a good opportunity for people that haven’t had that national exposure, prime example like myself. So I’m very happy, very excited for what the future holds.

On the creation of AEW and what it means for wrestling:

I like it. I’m all for anywhere where wrestlers can go and work and make a living. I want to say like maybe I started training in like 2009 so I want to say around that time there was like maybe a handful of places you can make a living off of and then when I moved to California in 2013 there was still only a handful of places like WWE, Ring Of Honor and I think maybe even IMPACT, but now, you don’t have to go overseas to make a living. You can actually do it in your hometown or your backyard I guess, if you will. So I’m all for it. I think competition is good because sometimes, I feel as myself too, we all get complacent sometimes, you fall in a groove, but if there’s somebody chomping at your heels, you gotta step your game up.

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