tetsuya naito
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NJPW New Beginning In Sapporo Results (2/3) Three Huge Title Matches

THIRD MATCH: Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Ren Narita vs. Suzuki-gun (Takashi Iizuka & TAKA Michinoku)

Iizuka attacks Tenzan and throws him out of the ring. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

TAKA dominates Narita in the ring. Narita hits a series of chops. TAKA pokes Narita’s eyes. Narita floors TAKA. Narita hits a corner strike. Narita hits a Belly To Belly Suplex for two.

TAKA counters a Boston Crab. Narita pummels TAKA. Iizuka halts Narita’s momentum. Iizuka goes after Tenzan on the outside and drags Tenzan into the crowd. TAKA dominates Narita in the corner. Iizuka tags in.

TAKA removes Iizuka’s muzzle. Iizuka bites everyone. Iizuka stomps away on Narita. TAKA tags in. TAKA hits running corner knee. TAKA covers for two.

Narita pummels TAKA. TAKA dodges a dropkick. Narita hits a dropkick. Narita hits a brainbuster. Tenzan hits a shoulder tackle. Tenzan hits Mongolian Chops. Tenzan headbutts TAKA. Tenzan hits a corner lariat. TAKA hits a back kick. Iizuka tags in.

Iizuka hits an atomic drop. TAKA hits a pump kick. Iizuka covers for two.

Iizuka goes into his bag and pulls out the glove of doom. Narita hits a dropkick on Iizuka. Tenzan hits Iizuka with Mongolian Chops. Tenzan hits Mountain Bomb. Tenzan covers Iizuka for two. Tenzan slams Iizuka. Tenzan climbs to the top rope. TAKA knocks Tenzan off the rope. Iizuka shoves the referee and hits Tenzan with the Iron Glove Of Doom for the disqualification in 9:47.

WINNERS: Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Ren Narita

FOURTH MATCH: Togi Makabe, Toru Yano, Ryusuke Taguchi & Tomoaki Honma vs. Bullet Club (Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Taiji Ishimori & Yujiro Takahashi)

Taguchi and Ishimori start the match. They lock up. They trade wristlocks. Taguchi locks in a headlock. Taguchi hits a hip attack. Ishimori slides to the outside. Taguchi teases a dive to the outside but dances instead.

Ishimori gets back in the ring. Tama tags in. Honma tags in.

Takahashi tags in. Takahashi kicks Honma in the gut. Honma locks in a headlock. Takahashi bites Honma’s thumb. Takahashi chops away on Honma’s chest. Honma drops Takahashi. Honma maintains dominance. Honma body slams Takahashi. Jado stops Honma’s momentum. Tama argues with Jado. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Takahashi gets Honma back in the ring. Tanga Loa tags in. Tanga Loa pummels Honma. Tama tags in. Tama pummels Honma. Takahashi tags in. Takahashi rakes the eyes. Ishimori tags in. Ishimori continues the assault. Tanga Loa tags in. Tanga Loa hits a corner forearm. Tanga Loa body slams Honma. Tanga Loa hits a series of elbow drops. Loa covers but the pin is broken.

Loa corners Honma. Tama tags in. Tama hits a suplex. Tama covers for two.

Tama hits a dropkick. Tama covers for two. Takahashi tags in.

Takahashi hits a Yakuza Kick. Honma blocks a Fisherman Buster. Honma hits a back elbow. Honma hits Kokeshi. Makabe tags in.

Makabe clears the apron. Makabe hits a corner lariat on Takahashi. Makabe hits mounted punches. Takahashi blocks a Northern Lights Suplex. Makabe hits a lariat. Makabe covers. The pin is broken.

GOD hit stereo dropkicks on Makabe. Takahashi hits a Fisherman Buster. Takahashi covers for two.

Makabe hits a rebound lariat. Taguchi tags in. Taguchi hits a series of hip attacks. Takahashi hits a sliding dropkick. Ishimori tags in.

Ishimori hits a baseball slide into a springboard senton. Ishimori hits running double knees to the corner. Taguchi counters a Tombstone Lungblower with an Ankle Lock. Tanga Loa breaks up the submission.

Taguchi locks the Ankle Lock back in. Ishimori sends Taguchi into a kendo stick shot. Ishimori rolls up Taguchi for two.

They trade strikes. Taguchi hits a hip attack. Yano tags in. Loa tags in.

Yano exposes the turnbuckle. Loa sends Yano into the exposed buckle. Tama admonishes Tanga. Bullet Club gang up on Yano, to Tama’s chagrin. Tanga Loa covers for two.

Jado distracts the referee. Tama stops Tanga from using the kendo stick. Shoving match ensues. Yano lowblows Tanga Loa. Makabe clotheslines Loa into a rollup from Yano for the pinfall in 14:15.

WINNERS: Ryusuke Taguchi, Toru Yano, Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma