tetsuya naito
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NJPW New Beginning In Sapporo Results (2/3) Three Huge Title Matches

Photo Credit: New Japan Pro Wrestling

Show is available on NJPWWorld.com.

FIRST MATCH: Toa Henare vs. Yota Tsuji

They lock up. Tsuji locks in a waistlock. Henare counters with knees to the body. Henare gets Tsuji on the ropes but Tsuji reverses and breaks with a smack. Henare rushes Tsuji and gets him on the ropes. Tsuji counters and a shoving match ensues. Both men trade chest chops. Henare locks in a headlock. Tsuji locks in a headscissors. They break and stare each other down.

Tsuji locks in a headlock. Tsuji hits a series of ineffective shoulder tackles. Tsuji pummels Henare. Tsuji drops Henare with a shoulder tackle. Tsuji pummels Henare more. Henare body slams Tsuji. Henare chops Tsuji’s chest. Henare covers for two.

Henare wrenches Tsuji’s arm. Tsuji hits a series of forearms. Henare hits a short-arm shoulder tackle. Henare hits a corner lariat. Henare hits a Samoan Drop. Henare covers for two.

Both men block suplex attempts. Tsuji hits a spinning body slam. Tsuji hits a corner forearm. Tsuji hits a spinning wheel kick. Tsuji locks in a Boston Crab. Henare fights to the ropes.

Henare hits a spear. Henare pummels Tsuji in the corner. Tsuji hits a spear. Tsuji hits a series of forearms. They trade chest chops. Tsuji smacks Henare in the jaw. Henare hits a vicious headbutt. Henare hits a lariat. Henare covers for two. Henare hits a Uranage for the pinfall in 7:07.

WINNER: Toa Henare

SECOND MATCH: Manabu Nakanishi & Tiger Mask vs. Ayato Yoshida & Shota Umino

Tiger Mask & Umino start the match. Tiger Mask hits a swift kick to Umino. Umino locks in a waistlock. and gets Tiger on the ropes. Umino smacks Tiger’s chest. Umino lights up Tiger Mask with a series of strikes. Tiger Mask hits a mid kick. Umino hits a shoulder tackle. Umino mounts Tiger Mask and unleashes a flurry of punches. Umino corners Tiger Mask and kicks him in the gut. Tiger Mask fights back. Nakanishi tags in. Yoshida tags in.

They lock up. They break. They lock up. Yoshida gets Nakanishi on the ropes. Yoshida locks in a headlock. Yoshida hits an ineffective shoulder tackle, then another. Nakanishi drops Umino with a shoulder tackle. Nakanishi body slams Umino. Umino dodges a jumping knee drop. Nakanishi hits a spear. Nakanishi shoves Umino off the apron. Nakanishi body slams Yoshida. Tiger Mask tags in.

Both men trade blows. Tiger Mask drops Yoshida. Tiger Mask hits a series of stiff kicks. Nakanishi tags in.

Nakanishi punishes the torso. They trade forearms. Yoshida hits an enziguiri. Umino tags in.

Umino pummels Nakanishi. Nakanishi blocks a body slam. Nakanishi blocks another body slam. Nakanishi body slams Umino. Nakanishi hits a Big Splash for two.

Umino dodges some strikes and body slams Nakanishi. Yoshida tags in. Tiger Mask tags in.

They trade strikes. Yoshida body slams Tiger Mask. Yoshida hits a Shotgun Kick. Yoshida covers for two.

Yoshida locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Nakanishi breaks up the submission. Umino hits Nakanishi with a Missile Dropkick. Tiger Mask locks Yoshida in a kneebar. Yoshida fights to the ropes.

Tiger Mask hits a Thrust Kick. Tiger Mask hits Tiger Driver. Umino breaks up the pin.

Tiger Mask puts Yoshida on the top rope. Tiger Mask hits an Avalanche Double Underhook Suplex for the pinfall in 9:31.

WINNERS: Tiger Mask & Manabu Nakanishi