Daniel Bryan
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Daniel Bryan On Whether The British Bulldogs Should Be In The WWE HOF, MLB Star Devours Royal Rumble Burger

Daniel Bryan On Whether The British Bulldogs Should Be In The WWE HOF

SkySports recently caught up with WWE Champion Daniel Bryan and asked whether he believed it was time for The British Bulldogs to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Bryan responded, “That’s an interesting question. To me, yes. I don’t know as a tag team or even as an individual: Davey Boy Smith. One of the highlights of my fandom was SummerSlam ’92 when Davey Boy Smith beat Bret Hart. To me, when I thought, as a kid, of epic matches, I thought Ric Flair/Ricky Steamboat and I thought of Bret Hart vs Davey Boy Smith. In my opinion, yes, but I don’t make those calls.”

Bryan then turned into his heel persona, “I’m just the WWE Champion just going out there fighting people making changes to the world every day. I don’t choose who’s in the Hall of Fame.” The interviewer added, “One day, maybe,’ to which Bryan responded, “No! You think I want to be part of the bureaucracy?” The interviewer suggested Bryan could change things from within. Bryan responded, “So here’s the thing. A lot of people think they can make change from within, but all that happens is being within changes you. That’s what happened. That’s what I realized as the GM. When I came back, ‘OK, yeah, I’m still the old Daniel Bryan. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Gotta make the fans happy, gotta do this, gotta do that. No man. That’s a waste of my time. That’s a waste of all your guys’ time, just placating everybody, just being a part of the system. No. Systems need to come down.”

Readers may watch the clip below or see the interview in its entirety HERE.


RELATED: Daniel Bryan Explains Royal Rumble Burger Stance

MLB Star Devours Royal Rumble Burger

Cody Decker of the Arizona Diamondbacks may not win any points with Daniel Bryan, after Bryan finds out that Decker just devoured the enormous Royal Rumble Burger:

Decker, who is serving as a special Chase Field correspondent during the Royal Rumble, became the first person in history to eat the burger that Bryan has criticized for being made of ‘factory farm pigs’ among other things:

After Decker gulped the burger down, he was still hungry:

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