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Goldust On Working With Cody In WWE, His Advice To Up And Coming Wrestlers

Photo by Simon Hofmann/Bongarts/Getty Images

Goldust recently talked to Kyle Stevens of Still Real To Us. During the interview, Goldust talked on working with his brother Cody in WWE and shared some advice that he’d give to aspiring talent in the ring. below are a few quotes from the interview:

Goldust on giving advice to up and coming workers:
“I try to tell all the young kids this, ‘Man, you have to make it your own.’ You cannot read [the script] just word for word because it’s going to come off as not your true self. A lot of the kids today won’t do that. They will read it word for word and it doesn’t resonate with the crowd because it’s just going through the motions. It’s not the character. You have to put in your own work. You have to put out certain facial expressions and mannerisms. You have to find your character. You have to find yourself.”
On wanting a WrestleMania match with Cody:
“I believe that would have been great business. I don’t know if the storyline is right, but I would love to do that. He’s not there. I’m still there, but I’m at the tail end of my career where I want to do other things, like acting. My time is over. It’s time for me to pass it on to the young ones. Yes, I can still go out there from time to time as an attraction, and hang with the best of them. What do I want to do, man? I’ve done everything that there is to do in this business. “I’ve had a WrestleMania moment. [Roddy] Piper is in the top three moments of my career. Another one was me and Cody vs. The Shield. Cody and I had a match at Fastlane which didn’t do it justice. We should have had a WrestleMania deal.”
On clicking with Cody during live events:
“The matches that we had were some of the best matches that I’ve ever been involved with in my life. The crowd was loud and crazy. Everything flowed. We could go out there, and have fun. That’s what I love the most: the live event feel. Pay per views and television are so fast paced. It’s very hectic. It doesn’t do it justice in a storyline situation.”

RELATED: Goldust Talks All Elite Wrestling, Cody Being Like His Father, And Advice From Vince McMahon