WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (12/26)

December 26th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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NXT Preview For 12/26: Women’s Fatal 4 Way #1 Contender’s Match, Will Ciampa Address The Steel Cage Controversy? Read more

NXT Women’s Title No. 1 Contender’s Fatal 4-Way Match: Io Shirai vs Bianca Belair vs Lacey Evans vs Mia Yim

Evans leaves the ring and waits on the apron. Evans tells the rest of them to get it started. Yim and Belair get in each other’s faces. Shirai rolls up Belair. Belair kicks out. Yim dives to the outside onto Belair. Evans tosses Shirai into the ropes but Shirai dives through them and lands on Belair. Yim accidentally takes out Shirai with a head kick. Slingshot elbow for a near fall by Evans. Evans drop toe holds Shirai into Yim in the corner. Evans lands a double handstand bronco buster on Yim and Shirai. Shirai kicks out. Shirai low bridges Belair, which causes Belair to fall to the outside. Evans tosses Yim out of the ring.

Belair puts Shirai in a torture rack. Evans pulls Shirai out of it. Evans and Belair argue. Shirai tries to crossbody Evans and Belair but they catch Shirai in midair. Yim dropkicks Shirai so Shirai lands on Evans for a near fall. Yim lands a German suplex. Evans breaks up the pin. Springboard dropkick by Shirai to Evans. Belair destroys Shirai with a spear. Shirai kicks out. Shirai reverses a wheelbarrow suplex into a standing double stomp on Belair. Tiger Feint kick by Shirai. Belair kicks out. Yim and Evans trade strikes. Evans lands the Women’s Right. Shirai breaks up the pin. Shirai lands her moonsault. Belair whips Shirai with her hair to break up the pin. Belair alley oops Shirai over the top rope onto Yim. Belair drops Evans with the KOD for the win.

Winner- Bianca Belair


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