WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (12/12): EC3 Battles Bobby Fish, Ricochet Defends Against a Mystery Opponent, More

NXT Women’s Championship Fatal 4-Way Qualifier: Mia Yim vs Reina González

González forces Yim into the corner. Yim puts González in a guillotine. González tries to suplex Yim out of it but Yim escapes. González drops Yim on the top rope. Yim hits the mat hard. González stomps Yim, then attempts a pin. Yim kicks out. Running boot by González. González gets another near fall. González locks Yim in a Canadian backbreaker. Yim elbows her way out of it. Yim lights González up with a few chops. Yim lands Seoul Food for the win!

Winner- Mia Yim

NXT North American Championship Match: Ricochet (c) vs Tyler Breeze!!!

Breeze arm drags Ricochet. Breeze sits on the top rope and taunts Ricochet. Ricochet puts Breeze in a headlock. Breeze escapes. After a tackle/dropdown spot, Ricochet takes Breeze over with a head scissors, followed by a dropkick. Breeze puts Ricochet in a single leg crab. Ricochet gets to the ropes. Rolling thunder clothesline by Ricochet. Breeze rolls out of the ring. Ricochet tries to dive off the apron but Breeze dropkicks Ricochet out of the air. Breeze stomps Ricochet in the corner. Breeze puts Ricochet on the top rope. Ricochet knocks Breeze off the top. Breeze tries a back body drop but Ricochet PKs Breeze in the face. Rolling dropkick by Ricochet. Ricochet misses the tiger feint kick. Breeze attempts a German suplex.

Ricochet lands on his feet. Flying uppercut by Ricochet. Ricochet gets a near fall after a standing shooting star press. Ricochet misses a phoenix splash but lands on his feet. Breeze and Ricochet trade strikes. Breeze and Ricochet both attempt crossbody blocks and end up just crashing into each other in midair. Breeze and Ricochet trade suplex attempts. Ricochet misses a springboard moonsault. Breeze lands the Supermodel Kick, followed by a reverse ranna! Ricochet kicks out! Breezer kicks Ricochet in the gut. Ricochet boots Breeze in the face. Breeze responds with a jumping knee. Breeze goes for the Beauty Shot. Ricochet catches Breeze and hits the Cradle Shock for the win!

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Ricochet!

After the match, Ricochet and Breeze shake hands.


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