WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

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The Mighty vs Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan

As soon as the bell rings a huge brawl breaks out. As Burch and the Might fight outside the ring, Lorcan dives over the top and takes out everyone. Back in the ring. Lorcan and Thorne trade uppercuts. Thorne tries a rana but Lorcan turns it into a powerbomb. Lorcan transitions into a single leg crab. Miller breaks it up. Saito suplex by Thorne. Burch hits the ring and blasts Miller with a stiff right hand. Burch hits a missile dropkick off the second rope.

The Mighty hit a combo superplex/powerbomb on Lorcan. Burch breaks up the pin. Thorne sends Burch out of the ring. Miller power slams Burch. Thorne leaps off of Miller’s back and hits a cannonball in the corner on Lorcan. The Mighty set up a double suplex. Lorcan reverses it into a double DDT. Lorcan trades slaps with both Miller and Thorne. Lorcan ducks, which causes Thorne and Miller to slap each other.  Lorcan and Burch hit an impact DDT on Thorne for the win.

Winners- Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan

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