WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (12/11): Asuka Stands Tall, Daniel Bryan Makes a Statement, Final Hype For WWE TLC, More

Asuka vs Charlotte Flair

Flair misses a big boot. Asuka tries a hip attack but Flair catches Asuka. Asuka reverses that into a heel hook attempt. Flair rolls through and suplexes Asuka. Flair chops Asuka. Flair misses a chop and Asuka German suplexes her. Asuka misses another hip attack and gets hung up in the ropes. Flair kicks Asuka in the face. Flair tries a moonsault. Asuka gets her knees up and pops Flair into the Asuka Lock. Flair drops Asuka back-first on the mat. Flair sits up to catch her breath. Asuka sits up and puts Flair in the Asuka Lock again. Flair gets to the rope to break the hold.

After the break, Asuka and Flair are trading strikes. Asuka puts Flair in an octopus hold. Flair tries to escape but Asuka hits a crucifix bomb. Asuka puts Flair in a Fujiwara armbar. Flair tries to roll out of it but Asuka turns it into a triangle choke. Flair turns it into a sit out powerbomb. Asuka and Flair go face to face. Flair puts Asuka in the Figure Eight. Asuka gets to the ropes. Flair continues her assault on Asuka’s leg. Flair slams Asuka’s leg into the ring post. Asuka kicks out again. Flair tries the Figure Eight again but Asuka turns it into a small package. Flair kicks out. Flair tries a spear but Asuka counters into a code breaker. Flair kicks out. Asuka kicks Flair over and over again. Asuka elbows Flair multiple times. Speed kicks by Asuka. Asuka hits the ropes and runs right into a spear. Asuka manages to kick out. Flair tries another moonsault that ends with Asuka locking in the Asuka Lock again. Flair and Asuka fall out of the ring. Flir pulls a kendo stick from under the ring and hits Asuka with it causing a DQ.

Winner- Asuka

After the match, Flair hits Lynch with the kendo stick. Lynch attacks Flair and sends her into the ring steps. Lynch hits Flair with the kendo stick. Asuka tosses Lynch over the announce desk. Asuka alternates between hitting Flair and Lynch with the kendo stick.

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