WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (12/11): Asuka Stands Tall, Daniel Bryan Makes a Statement, Final Hype For WWE TLC, More

December 11th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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WWE SmackDown Preview For 12/11: Jeff Hardy To Address Samoa Joe, Charlotte vs Asuka In WrestleMania Rematch. Read more

In Ring Segment: WWE Champion Daniel Bryan

Bryan says last week he came out here and called everyone sheep. Bryan says he apologizes… to the sheep. The sheep are not the ones destroying the environment. The people aren’t like sheep. The people are more like parasites. The people latched on to the old Daniel Bryan. The old Daniel Bryan is dead, as is the Yes Movement. At TLC Bryan is going to crush AJ Styles dreams. Mustafa Ali walks out but before Ali can speak Bryan cuts him off. Bryan says he knows who Ali is even though most of the idiots in the crowd don’t. Bryan puts over Ali as a competitor.

Byran tells Ali they shouldn’t have their match because the WWE Universe doesn’t deserve it. Ali asks Bryan what happened to him. Ali says everyone in 205 Live looks up to Bryan. Ali says the old Daniel Bryan would have wanted a fight. Ali wants a fight. Bryan asks Ali what kind of car Ali drives. Ali says he drives an SUV. Bryan says Ali is a small man and doesn’t need an SUV. Ali says Bryan know he has a family. Bryan slaps Ali and tells Ali that he is ignorant. Ali takes Bryan over with a ranna. Bryan falls out of the ring. Ali dives off the top and hits a senton.

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