WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (12/10): New Champions Crowned, Huge TLC Title Match Main Event, Final Hype For WWE TLC, More

December 10th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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WWE RAW Preview For 12/10: Alexa’s Press Conference, Has Dean Ambrose Finally Gotten In Seth Rollins’ Head? Read more

In Ring Segment: Seth Rollins
Rollins stands in the ring as a remixed version of his the entrance theme plays. Rollins says “burn it down” is going to be his new rally cry. Rollins says he isn’t here to call out Dean Ambrose. Rollins doesn’t have time for games tonight. Rollins says he has a dose of reality to acting General Manager Baron Corbin. Corbin joins Rollins in the ring. Corbin says if Rollins wants to have a conversation they can do it in private. Rollins tells Corbin to cut the crap, shut up, and listen. Rollins says he has been distracted with Ambrose the past few months so he hasn’t been able to tell Corbin what he thinks of Corbin’s performance.
Rollins says Monday Night has sucked since Corbin took over and it’s all because of Corbin. Corbin tells Rollins he knows Rollins is frustrated, but Rollins needs to watch what he says. Corbin has all this talent in the world backstage but Corbin has no idea what to do with it. Rollins basically makes parrots the IWC’s issues with Raw the past few weeks., Rollins thinks Corbin is doing this because Braun Strowman punked him out. Rollins says Corbin is so insecure that Corbin handed Brock Lesnar the Universal Championship. Lesnar hasn’t competed on Raw in 16 years but Corbin handed him the belt. Corbin appreciates Rollins feedback but Corbin doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Raw is Corbin’s show. Corbin is going to make Rollins life a living hell when he takes over. Rollins challenges Corbin to a TLC match tonight. Corbin says no. Rollins calls Corbin a coward. Every time Corbin tries to speak Rollins calls him a coward. Corbin agrees to the match but the Intercontinental title will be on the line.

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