Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (12/6): Johnny Impact And Taya Valkyrie Battle Moose and Tessa Blanchard, More

At Shady Acres, Eddie Edwards is playing chess with Raven. Raven tells Edwards he hasn’t gone far enough. Raven steals a key card and gives it to Edwards. Edwards tells Raven he owes him one. Raven tells Edwards that, “yeah, he does”.

Backstage, Konnan asks the Lucha Bros and LAX if they can keep it together if they have a match. Everyone agrees. Pentagon Jr. tries to do his taunt but Ortiz and Santana get upset. Konnan goes nuts and says this is exactly what he was talking about. Konna storms off.

Backstage, Johnny Impact says you never know what to expect in the Impact Zone. Valkyrie says she is tired of all of the shortcuts. Tonight Blanchard will get a taste os Valkyrie. Impact says his wife is going to kick Blanchard so hard Tully is going to feel it.

Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie vs Moose and Tessa Blanchard

Valkyrie kisses Impact. Moose tries to gets Blanchard to kiss him. Impact rolls up Moose for a near fall. Moose hugs Blanchard, which counts as a tag. Valkyrie kicks Blanchard in the head. Moose is about to attack Valkyrie. Impact cuts Moose off with a springboard enziguri. Moose falls to the outside. Corkscrew splash to the outside by Impact. Impact sends Moose into the ring. Moose dropkick Impact as Blanchard slams Valkyrie down to the mat.

After the break, Blanchard tags in Moose, who acts like he is about to spear Valkyrie. Moose decks Impact. Blanchard tags back in and clubs Valkyrie on the back. Blanchard misses a tackle in the corner. Valkyrie tags in Impact as Blanchard tags in Moose. Impact gets a near fall after series of moves. Impact misses starship pain. Impact reveres the Go To Hell with a ranna. Senton by Moose. Impact kicked out. Impact superkick Moose. Moonlight drive by Impact. Moose gets his foot on the rope. Valkyrie tags in and hits Meteora. Blanchard lands the ripcord cutter. Valkyrie kicks out. Impact takes out Moose with another corkscrew splash. Valkyrie puts Blanchard in modified crossface. Blanchard taps out.

Winners- Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie

After the match, Blanchard and Moose attack Valkyrie and Impact. Killer Kross runs down to the ring. Blanchard is about to hit Valkyrie with a chair. Kross takes the chair from Blanchard. Moose tries to talk to Kross. Brian Cage hits the ring and clears it. Impact and Cage stand face-to-face as the show fades to black.



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