WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (11/28): Keith Lee Takes On Lars Sullivan, More

WWE NXT Results 
November 28th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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NXT Preview For 11/28: Keith Lee Clashes With Lars Sullivan, EC3 Returns. Read more

Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch vs  The Mighty

Burch arm wringers Thorne. Lorcan and Burch take turns working over Thorne’s arm. Thorne tries to rip off Lorcan’s ear. Lorcan lands a dropkick. O’Connor roll by Lorcan. Miller kicks out. Lorcan locks Miller in a half crab. Thorne tries to break it up but Burch cuts Thorne off and locks him in the crossface. Miller gets to the rope to break the hold. Miller drives Lorcan into the Mighty’s corner. The Mighty take turns working over Lorcan.

Lorcan manages to tag in Burch, who takes out both members to the Mighty. Second rope dropkick by Burch. Burch and Lorcan set up their finish but Miller breaks it up. Thorne European uppercuts Lorcan. Lorcan response with an uppercut of his own. Lorcan hits the ropes but runs headfirst into a sick dropkick by Thorne. Half Nelson suplex by Lorcan. Thorne falls to the outside. Lorcan dives over the top rope onto everyone. Miller and Thorne toss Lorcan into Burch. Lorcan rolls up Miller for the win!

Winners- Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch

After the match, the Mighty attack Burch and Lorcan.



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