Figure Friday: WWE Basic 90 Ronda Rousey (Photos)

Welcome to Figure Friday! This week we take a look at Ronda Rousey’s very first action figure from Basic Series 90! You can currently get her on and SAVE 10% with discount code MBG at checkout!

The Packaging

Ronda’s figure showcases the packaging for 2019 and it’s pretty awesome. It’s all white, which is very eye catching on display as it has such a crisp look to it. You can see an image of her as well as it saying “First Time in the Line” as it’s her very first WWE action figure. On the back it showcases the others in the set, which includes: Aiden English, The Miz, Roman Reigns and Kane. Roman has a chase variant with a different t-shirt design.

The Head Scan

People are on the fence about her first scan as it does and doesn’t look like her as much as her upcoming Elite does. Mattel said they used the True FX technology for her upcoming Elite as this figure of her was expedited to release in 2018, which explains the head being sculpted versus scanned. Regardless, it still resembles her pretty well for the most part but her Elite definitely looks much better.

The Attire

This outfit is based on her debut although it’s missing the jacket, which her Elite figure will also have. If you’d like a jacket like the one seen in the image above you can get it from Thread Head Custom Clothing to complete the look of the figure.

There are some odd moldings on the figure, such as straps on her back that resemble that of a bra or tank top, but the cool part is that it seems to resemble that of under her shirt versus Mattel just painting over it, which they’ve done a few times before on other figures wearing shirts. Some people complain that her belly button shows, which if she is wearing a shirt really shouldn’t be showing so that was one of the negative aspects on the figure. Besides that she has new pants and shoe molds I believe, which is a nice touch since the female figures don’t always get new parts so to speak.


It’s a not a bad figure for her first. If you want her in street clothes it’s a nice addition to the collection as well as is available in time for the holidays. If you prefer her with her jacket and a better head scan then I’d recommend waiting for her Elite 65 figure coming in January. However, if you want her in wrestling attire and her entrance attire with the jacket then wait for her WWE Ultimate Edition figure coming mid-2019 with changeable heads and outfits, which looks really awesome. If you want to pick up this figure, especially for the holidays, get her now on Ringside as well as Elite 65 Ronda can also currently be pre-ordered on

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