Triple H Posts His Insane Travel Schedule So Far This Month
Triple H posted a tweet about his insane travel schedule this past month, stating the week before WWE Super Show-Down in Melbourne right up till NXT last night, after which he’s finally able to go home.
He even put in a hashtag right at the end ‘#WorthIt’ to show just how rewarding his work is, despite being so time consuming.
Seattle (#Raw)
Melbourne (#WWESSD)
Chicago (#Raw)
Plymouth (@NXTUK)
DC (#SD1000)
Orlando (@WWENXT)Home. #WorthIt
— Triple H (@TripleH) October 18, 2018
Related: Triple H Gives Mia Yim An NXT Contract (Video), Undisputed ERA Sends Message To The Tag Division (Video)
Total Divas Confront Nia Jax (Video)
Nia Jax, who had Naomi, Natalya and Lana over to her new house to unpack, also found herself in a position to apologise to them as she’d been too high strung over getting things done, that she ended up bossing them around and rubbing them the wrong way.
You can see a clip from Total Divas that the WWE posted of the brief confrontation to their Youtube channel, below: