impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (10/4): oVe Battles The Lucha Bros and Brian Cage, More

Backstage, Allie goes nuts because Hogan is gone. Allie says she knows what she has to do.

In Ring Segment: oVe

Callihan says he is pissed off. At BFG it’s going to be an oVe rules match. They ain’t waiting for BFG. Callihan wants to do this right here, right now. Cage and the Lucha Bros hit the ring and destroy Callihan with a series of moonsaults and splashes.

oVe vs The Lucha Bros and Brian Cage

Fenix tries to walk the ropes but Jake and Callihan crotch him on the top rope. Rolling neck breaker by Callihan. Fenix kicks out. Callihan tries to rip off Fenix’s mask. The heels work over Fenix. Fenix finally makes the tag to Cage. Cage clears the ring. Cage German suplexes both Crist brothers at the same time. Callihan boots Cage in the face. Cage squares up with Callihan. Callihan pushes the referee down to cause the DQ.

Winners The Lucha Bros and Brian Cage

After the match, the fight continues. Cage and the Lucha Bros stand tall.

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