impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (10/4): oVe Battles The Lucha Bros and Brian Cage, More

Backstage, Jack Evans does a backflip for Bordeaux. Petey Williams tries to impress Bordeaux by showing her how to do the Canadian Destroyer. Trevor Lee is watching in horror. Williams puts his head between her legs. Lee tells Williams he is being a creep. Bordeaux tells them to take it outside.

Kiera Hogan w/Allie vs Su Yung w/Bridesmaid

Yung tries to attack Hogan but it backfires. Hogan lands multiple strikes. Running corner dropkick by Hogan. Hogan tries a ranna but Yung reverses it into an inverted Alabama Slam. Yung chokes Hogan in the corner. Yung misses a boot in the corner. Running elbow by Hogan. Basement superkick by Hogan. Yung rolls out of the ring. Suicide dive by Hogan. Yung tries the Panic Switch. Hogan reverses it into a sit out powerbomb for a near fall. Hogan goes up top. The Bridesmaid grabs Hogan’s foot. Allie knocks the Bridesmaid off the apron. Yung palm strikes Hogan and Allie. Yung lands the panic switch for the win.

Winner- Su Yung

After the match, more Bridesmaids bring a casket out on the stage Allie attacks Yung. Yung gets the claw on Allie. Yung drags Allie up the ramp. Yung tries to put Allie in the casket. Hogan pulls Allie out of the way. Yung puts the claw on Hogan. Yung drops Hogan in the casket. Allie screams as Yung closes the lid.

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