How Long Will WWE Super Show-Down Last?
It’s been noted in the schedule for the week uploaded on the WWE Network that the WWE Super Show-Down will be a 5 hour long show without any pre show, according to WrestlingInc.
It has 10 matches penciled in as of now and the show will start at 5 am ET and go on till 10 am ET.
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All Access Pass For NWO Reunion On Sale
An All Access Pass to allow fans to be a part of the NWO reunion on October 27 which includes a Q&A at Mango’s, the photo-op at Hulk Hogan’s beach Shop and signed autographs, is now available for $399.
Hogan posted a video to his Twitter account announcing the availability of the passes and its pricing, which you can watch below.
https://t.co/ZKCq63psvD #nwo #wcw #wwe #83weeks #specialevent #orlando #history pic.twitter.com/QajCKTg6Rz
— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) September 30, 2018