With incidental contact being the critical focus of wrestling Twitter these days, Hurricane Helms decided to lighten the mood with a personal experience that involved Matt Hardy:
Once after a match with @MATTHARDYBRAND I was in the back spitting out blood and looking for ice to put on this newly forming “mouse” under my eye when Matt comes thru the curtain and asks, “Hey, did I catch you with anything?”
Me: Mafaka, you caught me with everything!!
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) September 26, 2018
SSOORRREY BOYS (@reymysterio voice)
— MATT HARDY (@MATTHARDYBRAND) September 26, 2018
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) September 26, 2018
RELATED: Matt Hardy And Family Filming Pilot For New WWE Network Special
WWE Network‘s Instagram shared the following “This Day In WWE History” photo of Triple H delivering a pedigree to the late Davey Boy Smith before winning the WWE Title 19 years ago today in a six-pack challenge: