Shots Fired: The Biggest Statements WCW Made To WWE During The Monday Night Wars

Photo Credit: Elsa Hasch /Allsport

#4.) Hulk Hogan turns heel and forms the nWo

Hulk Hogan would be the big game-changer for WCW. However, two major additions at the time happened to be Scott Hall and Kevin Nash from WWF. Up till that point, Hogan was presented as the typical babyface he always was – reigning long as WCW World Champion. However, one fine night, Hogan was revealed to be the “mystery partner” of the two outsiders and attacked “Macho Man” Randy Savage instead, turning heel for the first time in over a decade or so.

It was a big statement because it shocked the world and WCW proved to WWF that they’re willing to take the risks. nWo was a risk that paid off big.

Next Page: 5 Biggest Statements WCW Made To WWE During The Monday Night Wars