2019 is going to be a really interesting year for WWE. With the McMahon’ s back on the screen on a more permanent basis, storylines will change and evolve, with the McMahon’s being a prop to get other superstars over. Thankfully, the good part is that the storylines aren’t going to revolve around them as authority figures.
But we could be seeing a lot of changes within the WWE, both structurally and creatively. More superstars will be elevated to main event status, and we could very well be seeing the end of the part-timer dominance as well. In fact, if part-timers just stopped appearing altogether, it wouldn’t impact the program as much as WWE would like us to believe. If anything, it will be a plus.
However, there are going to be a lot of interesting creative directions that they take, some which we’ll love, and some which we’ll absolutely detest. Let’s take a look at some creative calls WWE could make this year.
Next Page: 5 surprising creative decisions WWE could make in 2019