(Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images)

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “A Stone Cold Attack From Kevin Owens”

Ziggler Does it Again, Benjamin and Gable Pick Up Win

(Photo by Eamonn M. McCormack/Getty Images)
(Photo by Eamonn M. McCormack/Getty Images)

Between a championship match and the arrival of Vince McMahon, Smackdown Live gave us Dolph Ziggler coming out as Bayley and The Ultimate Warrior, mocking the fans and dissing entrances once again. Many expected Bobby Roode to come out, but he did not. This was another interesting turn of events for Ziggler, a man who is trying so hard to be a heel. If you want to get rid of entrances, pull a Kozlov and have him come out to no music and no colors. His bright pink kind of makes this funny, but still illogical. Strip him down of all entertainment on the stage.

Right after, The Hype Bros picked up a loss against Gable and Benjamin, who will be a team to watch when the feud between New Day and Uso’s are over. Aside from Benjamin forgetting to tag Gable in at the end, I do see a lot of great matches from these stud athletes who are just getting started. Zack Ryder did not shake hands after the match, which I like. If they want to salvage anything from Ryder and Rawley, turn them on the crowd and let them try being heels. Nothing else is working for them, so why not?

WZ 4.5

Kevin Owens Ambushes Vince McMahon

Mr. McMahon said he never loses in court and he would fire Owens on the spot and cause him to go bankrupt if Owens would file the lawsuit.

Vince told Owens that he suspended Shane for not finishing the job on Owens last week, after ridiculing the McMahon name. He then booked Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens at WWE Hell in a Cell. KO accepted the match, but on one condition. He wanted to be allowed to lay into “A McMahon” without fear of consequence. Mr. McMahon agreed and then Kevin Owens began assaulting the Chairman of WWE. He headbutted Mr. McMahon, which busted him open. Right after, he punched him, hit a superkick and then finished the night with a Frog Splash. Vince, at 71 years young, was on the mat lifeless. Officials came out and Stephanie McMahon rushed out to give Owens a death stare. She helped Vince to the back as Smackdown Live went off the air.

Talk about an impact. Talk about intensity and drama. Kevin Owens did that tonight and it worked to perfection. I loved the anger and how Owens looks at what he has done in shock, but continues to do it. He is so damn good, much better than others who have attacked Vince in recent memory. There will never be another authority figure like Stone Cold, but Kevin Owens’ actions (in a PG era and at a 71 year old man) is exactly what was needed to make this one of the most intriguing feuds in WWE. Shane vs. Kevin is box office gold and adding Hell in a Cell around them to make it even more meaningful is the best choice. I cannot wait to see what happens next week and hope WWE capitalizes on a 3 weeks of more build and more intrigue to both men’s stories.

If I could have changed one thing, it would have been Owens possibly saying “No wonder CM Punk left WWE” and how he understands why he did. With everyone breaking the fourth wall these days, it would be more common for something like that to be said now more than ever.

WZ 9

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Live Rating:

WZ 7.5