If you’ve been tuning into SmackDown LIVE in recent weeks, you will have noticed the recurring scripted segments featuring Tyler Breeze and Fandango. However, as Breeze hunted for his missing tag team partner, the Fashion Files segments eventually evolved into ‘Fashion Peaks’ – a segment in which Agent Breeze endlessly searches for his missing partner Deputy Dango, featuring strange characters, off-the-wall scenarios and exceptional dialogue. Yes, that’s right folks, WWE is channelling ‘Twin Peaks’.
But the bizarre mini-episodes have become a fan-favorite segment of the blue brand. With that in mind, let’s take a look at why ‘Fashion Peaks’ is the best part of SmackDown LIVE.
‘Fashion Peaks’ Is Really Well Written
Like many things in life, WWE’s creative team has had many hits and misses over the years. But unfortunately, it is characters like Tyler Breeze and Fandango who often find themselves suffering from those misses. However, it seems those days are behind them because ‘Fashion Peaks’ is actually really well written. Granted, it’s clearly a parody of David Lynch’s iconic series ‘Twin Peaks’, and thus, almost all of the material was already there to pull from, but the WWE creative team should be commended for bringing these segments together.
While a lot of people are familiar with ‘Twin Peaks’, the references here delve deeper than the obvious ones. Simple things like subtle nods to the Log Lady and even the 18 episode revival highlight that the writers really did their homework in order to bring this bizarre stroke of genius to life. And it blends incredibly well with the sometimes equally as bizarre world of professional wrestling.
Fans of the show will know that ‘Fire Walk With Me’ is not only a catchphrase from the show, but the name of the prequel film. Thus, pairing that title with Kane was another genius idea that shows that the marriage between WWE and Twin Peaks really works.
Much like the Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose reunion angle on RAW, this suggests that WWE are finally beginning to tell coherent and consistent storylines again – something we haven’t seen for quite some time. With off-the-wall references and unbelievable storylines, ‘Twin Peaks’ keeps viewers on the edges of their seats week after week. And it’s storytelling like this that keeps fans interested and invested in the characters and the compelling story.
It Gives Tyler Breeze And Fandango A Chance To Shine
Back during his NXT days, Tyler Breeze was undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. He wasn’t only a great character; he was also incredibly skilled on the mic and in the ring. The young athlete constantly highlighted his skills and athleticism on the show, impressing the WWE Universe with his awesome feats and proving that he had a bright future ahead of him. However, when he was called up to the main roster, it didn’t take long for the creative team to drop the ball with him. He made most of his appearances on SmackDown (during its forgettable pre-draft period) and thus, fans never really got a chance to invest in him.
The same could be said for Fandango, who managed to get over with fans based on his entrance music alone. However, the opportunity was wasted and he too was misused by the creative team.
With Breezango recently having a run-in with the Usos and turning face, we thought things were looking up for their once-promising careers. However, after another loss, it seemed like they were destined to fall to the bottom of the food chain once again. That is, until, ‘Fashion Peaks’ came along.
While they may not be in the ring, ‘Fashion Peaks’ has afforded Breezango the opportunity to do something they were never able to do before – shine. With witty one-liners and an excellent delivery, Tyler Breeze gets to showcase his acting talents, while Fandango manages to make us laugh with a single grunt. It seems like WWE is finally realising the potential in these two great superstars, and is doing so by attempting to channel Edge and Christian’s success. Hopefully the company will allow the duo to match their dramatic performances with some well-deserved in-ring spotlight as well.
‘Twin Peaks’ Is Really Relevant At The Moment
In the past, WWE have often tried to cross over with other entertainers in order to spread the appeal of their brand. Thus, we have seen celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Flo Rida, The Three Stooges and Snoop Dogg appear on WWE programming over the years. But more often than not, this proves to be unsuccessful, especially in today’s day and age.
However, ‘Fashion Peaks’ is a step in the right direction. ‘Twin Peaks’ may have originally aired in the early ‘90s, but the 18 episode revival of the series is currently airing on Showtime. And that makes it one of the most relevant shows in the world right now.
For the past few weeks, I have heard my friends discuss the unusual characters and bizarre happenings of the series, and to actually see these come to life in the form of ‘Fashion Peaks’ was downright bizarre itself. However, it was nothing short of genius. It’s also the first mainstream entertainment crossover WWE have pulled off successfully since Stephen Amell’s appearances back in 2015.
With ‘Fashion Peaks’ quickly turning into one of the most popular segments in recent memory, WWE should be commended for coming up with the crazy concept. While it clearly borrows heavily from ‘Twin Peaks’, the crisp writing and sharp dialogue should not be overlooked. Despite being downright ludicrous, it manages to give fans a chance to get invested in Tyler Breeze and Fandango and gives both talented superstars a chance to excel outside of the ring.
Simply put, ‘Fashion Peaks’ is the WWE/’Twin Peaks’ crossover that we never knew we needed – a damn fine one at that. Due to the popularity of Lynch’s legendary series, this was a stroke of brilliance by the WWE creative team. And it’s quickly becoming the most compelling aspect of WWE programming.
Are you enjoying ‘Fashion Peaks’? Let us know in the comments below!