Drew Talks Takeover

Drew comes out and talks about being “The Chosen One” when he was first in WWE. He said he took a lot for granted and expected everything to come to him because he was crowned this. He says that he was not the hardest worker in the room and now he is. He says that he woke up and now he is back to become champion. He goes on to say that Bobby Roode is not NXT, but everyone here is NXT. He leaves with the crowd on his feet and pounds his chest with emotion and intensity.
I like this Drew McIntyre so much. He looks like a warrior, has a great theme song (Even though I liked his last one) and has gotten SO MUCH BETTER on the mic. He knows how to sound emotional and connects with the crowd based on his love for the sport. Drew is the best choice for Bobby Roode, but I need to see them tangle a few times before Brooklyn. With a one month feud, give us as much as you can to make us truly believe that The Glorious One might actually lose. This was good stuff from McIntyre.
Velveteen Dream defeated Cezar Bonini
Another week and another quick bout from Dream. He picks up a win over Cezar and does NOT want to talk to the NXT Universe. I wonder what they can really do with this gimmick, so bizarre and unique. I do not doubt his talent and how he has ran with this gimmick, but what is the end game? What can you get out of him? With no mid card title to fight for, he can be used like Elias Samson in NXT. Samson was alright, but has exceeded everyone’s expectations since coming to RAW.