Elias and Finn, Miz’s New Entourage

A few notable developments in the mid card took place on WWE RAW. First, Finn Balor looks to be beginning a feud with Elias Samson. Good for Samson, a guy that is garnering as much natural heel heat as anyone on the roster. I question how WWE is now viewing Finn Balor, considering this time last year he was gearing up for his first championship run on WWE RAW. With a win over Bo Dallas and interrupting Elias, Balor would be attacked backstage from “The Drifter.” Something as simple as this can make a feud worth watching. I am not against this feud, but you gotta be puzzled why they are booking Balor like this right now. Is it crazy to say he peaked WAY TOO SOON?
Speaking of Bo Dallas, he had TWO segments tonight. After getting some decent offense in against Finn Balor, he is approached by The Miz to join his entourage. Along with Curtis Axel, he dresses as the bear and attack Dean Ambrose during MizTV. While I really, really, really want Bo Dallas to become Bo Wyatt (look at his hair and beard), this is better than nothing. I want all three guys to look like movie stars, so a makeover for Axel and Dallas would be beneficial for this group. What will they really do that Maryse does not already do for The Miz?
After dissecting all of these developments and moving pieces, it is easy to see WWE investing a lot into The Miz, while unsure of what to really do with everyone else. At least they are trying something new and different with these guys, trying to utilize underrated performers and see what they can get out of them.
Can The Titus Brand Actually Work?
Akira Tozawa picked up a win over TJP on WWE RAW, where you saw them get two segments of action. I liked the match a lot, with some excellent offensive attacks through the air. Both men rely on quick kick and striking combinations to set up their finishers. With Titus on the outside, he did not cost his “possible” newest addition from winning. In fact, the celebration and promo after to Neville (who was watching on the stage) was one of the better ones from O’Neil.
The night did not end for them, as they paired up against Cesaro and Sheamus. Playing as faces, Crews kept the momentum rolling against Sheamus with a standing somersault. Cesaro would Blast him with an uppercut behind the ref’s back. They would hit a double team maneuver off the top rope to pick up the win and remain on top of the division. Titus and Apollo should not have won, but wouldn’t an upset here help what they are trying to accomplish? It kind of wipes away the momentum they had earlier in the night, so it cancels out the positives from their encounter with the 205 Live crew. Either way, this was the first week where I did not think this idea did not completely suck.