6 man Tag Team Main Event

A huge brawl breaks out in the ring. Zayn is all over Strowman. Reigns and Strowman clear the ring. Reigns gets in Strowman’s face. Strowman grabs Reigns by the neck and tosses him over the top rope. After the break, The heels are working over Reigns in the corner. Jericho slaps Reigns in the face over and over again. Reigns fires up and floors Jericho with a right hand. Reigns tags in Zayn who hits a standing moonsault on Jericho for a near falls. Jericho forces Zayn into the heel corner. Owens tags in and beats down Zayn. After a few knees to Zayn’s back Owens locks in a rear chin lock. Zayn tries to fire up, but Owens crumbles Zayn with an enziguri. Jericho is in. Jericho dives off the top, but Zayn punches Jericho in the stomach on the way down. Owens cuts Zayn off from tagging out. Zayn manages to tag in Reigns. Reigns clears the ring.
Rollins hits the springboard knee to Jericho. Jericho reverses Rollins’ Pedigree into the Walls of Jericho but Rollins reverses that. Strowman tags himself in and grabs Rollins by the throat. Rollins tries to Pedigree Strowman, but Strowman back body drops out of it. Reigns Superman punches Strowman. Rollins hits a running knee to Strowman’s head. Rollins dives off the top onto Owens and Jericho. Zayn cross body blocks Strowman off the top for a two count. Zayn sets Strowman up for the Heluva kick. As Zayn charges at Strowman, Strowman clotheslines him out of his boots. Strowman hits the running power slam for the win.
After the match, Strowman picks up Zayn and drags him up the ramp. Rollins attacks Strowman from behind with a chair. Reigns runs up the ramp and Spears Strowman out of his boots. Rollins and Reigns set up the announce table to put Strowman through it. Jericho and Owens attack them from behind. Owens beats down Reigns with a chair. Rollins Pedigrees Jericho on the stage. Owens nails Regins in the head with the chair. Owens power bombs Reigns through the announce table to close the show.
A great main event on WWE RAW because of all the of men involved. There are so many storylines ongoing and so many options for WWE heading into the Royal Rumble. I still am unsure which one I want to see, but many of the choices are solid options. WrestleMania is about putting the best and most interesting storylines on the grandest stage of them all. Whether you have Braun getting a massive push to a championship or to Brock Lesnar, or Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho battling for the Universal Championship, I think WWE RAW has more “big time” stories right now over Smackdown Live.
Hell, does anyone know who AJ Styles will face at WrestleMania? What about John Cena or The Miz? Like I said, WWE RAW tonight was a solid episode considering many options are being thrown around and all of the main event players are stating their case. It was also productive for the main guys heading into the Royal Rumble, a night where they have plenty of options to choose from. Let’s just hope they make the BEST choice.