The Beast is Back

Brock Lesnar returned on WWE RAW for the first time since November. He would interrupt Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins and Chris Jericho in the ring talking about the Royal Rumble. When Seth, Roman and Sami hit kicks and punches to Strowman, Brock Lesnar came into the ring. He hit a few German suplexes and then stood face to face with Braun Strowman. Braun backed away, but Roman hit Brock with a Superman Punch. That did not keep him down for long, as Lesnar would hit an F-5 onto Roman Reigns and stand tall.
Immediate impact and interest in the return of Brock Lesnar. You need to keep Goldberg and him out of the ring until San Antonio. I loved the physicality and multiple angles turned into one to kick off the night. WWE knows how to tease us, like a high school girl on a Friday night. I do think that this helped set the stage for tonight, but I would have loved to see Brock Lesnar talk. His physicality can never be matched, but give us more of Lesnar on the mic to emphasize how angry he is. I want more development, more human characteristics. He could really sound and look more intimidating if he spoke every once in a while.
Gentleman Jack Gallagher and Daivari Continue Feud
Lince Dorado was used to enhance this feud that has been going on 205 Live for the past month. Gallagher is seen by WWE as a marketable guy, giving him special matches and segments catered to his personality. I am a fan of him because you remember him. Nothing against Daivari, but he is a generic type cruiserweight who really does not do much to connect with the crowd. I give credit to WWE for allowing a few of these Cruiserweights shine and get more time in front of the Monday night crowd, but one would assume that both of these men will go in differing directions after they are finished with one another.